IFA_Voter Guide online_2016

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Family Action is proud to offer perhaps the best online voter guide yet: ILVoterGuide.com. Its purpose is to equip Christians with the tools to vote wisely in local, state and national elections.

You will enjoy the in-depth candidate comparisons on state and federal-level candidates. You will also find endorsements from IFA-pac as well.

ILVoterGuide.com provides an in-depth and non-partisan perspective on candidates, identifying where the candidates fall on a scale from “very liberal” to “very conservative.”… Continue Reading

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By Monte Larrick

We are thrilled to be able to endorse a solid Republican candidate for U.S. Senator, and a challenger to incumbent liberal Republican Mark Kirk.  James Marter is pro-life, pro-marriage and understands the importance of religious liberty.  On the other hand, Illinois’ incumbent junior senator has a long record of actively opposing conservative Christian values. Kirk has voted to continue tax dollars for Planned Parenthood, publicly celebrated the U.S. Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage, co-sponsored the radical Equal Rights Amendment and voted against the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.… Continue Reading


IFA PAC_VG_Primary_2016_Judges-1

Click HERE to download this sheet (PDF)

Check out ILVoterGuide.com for other federal and state races.

Click HERE for a list of  our endorsed candidates.

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2016 Primary Election

We strongly encourage you to vote in the March 15th primary election. Prior to going to the polls, make sure that you know where your candidates stand on life, natural marriage (one man/one woman), and religious freedom.  Please take a moment to check out IFA’s online voter guide at: ILVoterGuide.com

Illinois Family Action’s board members Dr. Barbara Bellar, Richard Hartian, Pastor John Kirkwood, Jan Klaas, Pastor Calvin Lindstrom, Pastor James Pittman, and Executive Director of IFA and IFA-pac David E.… Continue Reading



By Monte Larrick

We are proud to endorse Sharee Langenstein for Illinois Senate in the 58th Senate District in southern Illinois. Learn more about all the candidates running for the Illinois General Assembly at ILVoterGuide.com

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“Mr. President, there is a reason the American people are fed up with Washington. There is a reason the American people are frustrated. The frustration is not simply mild or passing or ephemeral. It is volcanic.” ~U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Written by Kathy Valente and David E. Smith

Please set some time aside to watch the video embedded below to hear how U.S. Senator Ted Cruz exposes the Republican controlled House and Senate in Washington D.C.  … Continue Reading



Written by Jim Kouri

While much is being discussed in the United States regarding presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email system and the suspicious emails discovered by inspectors general, the Congress, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and non-government groups such as Judicial Watch, nothing is being reported regarding Mrs. Clinton and Israel.

During her highly praised campaign by her news media sycophants, Hillary Clinton is portrayed as a true friend of Israel, despite having scolded the leaders of the Jewish State in her book for their treatment of the Palestinians.… Continue Reading


Written by David E. Smith

Rev. Rafael Cruz, the father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, is coming to Illinois and stopping in Bensenville, Dolton, Peoria, Springfield and Collinsville. Come on out, he would love to meet you!

Rafael Cruz is a powerful example of the American Dream — and has a powerful testimony to share. Born in Cuba, Rafael lived and suffered under an oppressive dictator.  He began fighting Batista’s regime as a teenager, and was imprisoned and tortured simply because he wanted to be free.… Continue Reading


Written by Adam Seagrave

Any defense of constitutional originalism depends on accepting the principles of natural law and natural rights on which the Constitution was founded. Unfortunately, these principles no longer have meaning for most judges, politicians, and ordinary citizens today—which has troubling implications for the future of our republic.

The passing of the greatest constitutional originalist of our time invites us to reflect on the meaning and value of reading the Constitution as Justice Scalia did—in terms of the text itself as its authors intended and the public understood it.

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Written by J. Matt Barber      

What would happen if Donald Trump sat down with the Creator of the universe in a SoHo bistro?

The following statements attributed to Mr. Trump are not fabricated. The man truly uttered them. Those attributed to God are likewise genuine.

With whom do you agree?

Lattes are poured and chairs, scooted.

The discussion begins.

Trump: “I am a really smart guy. I’m intelligent. Some people would say I’m very, very, very intelligent.… Continue Reading


Written by Tim Wildmon

So it’s come to this: Donald Trump talking about the size of his hands and other parts of his anatomy on stage at the Republican presidential debate Thursday night in Detroit.

I’ve watched a lot of debates with heated exchanges in my 52 years, but I never thought I would see anything like this. Immediately after this moment in American exceptionalism, I sent a text to a friend: Did that just happen?Continue Reading
