Written by Frank Schubert

Rank and file Republican activists and voters revere marriage and will act to defend it. GOP candidates should understand that failing to defend marriage can come at a very high price.

A year after the US Supreme Court’s narrow 5-4 ruling redefining marriage, many of the elite in the Republican Party are anxious to declare “the marriage issue” settled. It’s a common refrain from high-ranking Republicans: “the Supreme Court has spoken,” and the party should move on to other issues.

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Written by Paul H. Jossey

As we watch the Republican Party tear itself to shreds over Donald Trump, perhaps it’s time to take note of another conservative political phenomenon that the GOP nominee has utterly eclipsed: the Tea Party. The Tea Party movement is pretty much dead now, but it didn’t die a natural death. It was murdered—and it was an inside job. In a half decade, the spontaneous uprising that shook official Washington degenerated into a form of pyramid scheme that transferred tens of millions of dollars from rural, poorer Southerners and Midwesterners to bicoastal political operatives.… Continue Reading



Written by Eric Metaxas

Christians are sometimes accused of being “in denial,” especially when it comes to matters of sex. But after reading about a recent AIDS conference, I have to ask: Who’s really living in fantasy land?

At the recent UN international AIDS conference in South Africa, the actress Charlize Theron announced that HIV “has no biological preference for black bodies, for women’s bodies, for gay bodies . . . HIV is not just transmitted by sex,” she explained.… Continue Reading



Written by Dr. Brian C. Joondeph

Donald Trump, shortly after securing the GOP nomination, attached a name to Hillary Clinton, just as he did to his opponents throughout the primary process.  She was Crooked Hillary, based on a lifetime of playing fast and loose with finances, ethics, and honesty.  After photos surfaced this past week showing Mrs. Clinton struggling to ascend a set of steps, as well as reports of possible seizure activity, Trump may want to rename Mrs.… Continue Reading



Written by Robert Knight

The whole idea of truth is getting an overhaul.

It’s not just the rise of moral and cultural relativism that is turning public dialogue into dueling monologues as people talk past each other; it’s a growing belief that truth no longer matters – only cause and effect.

For example, the media are not content to let Donald Trump’s provocative statements speak for themselves; they are pulling out all stops to magnify outrage for partisan purposes.… Continue Reading



Written by Paul Hair

Progressives now run the U.S. And they achieved this massive victory for a simple reason: they were willing to go to war while conservatives were not.

The College Fix reported on June 8 that the California State University Northridge ran a professor off its campus “for being too conservative.”

Meanwhile, on June 13, the Daily Signal reported on how progressives are attempting to remove a judge in Wyoming because she will not lie about marriage.… Continue Reading



Written by Bishop E. W. Jackson

America is in crisis. For the urban poor, the crisis is a national emergency. Last month I attended the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. I fully expected an exposition of the usual conservative positions on the economy, national security, the military, energy, taxes and the national debt. Although I was not holding my breath, it was also my hope that Donald Trump would tackle what the first black President has ignored for nearly eight years – a real solution to the poverty, violence, and educational failure plaguing the inner cities of America.… Continue Reading



In a final brief presented to the Illinois Supreme Court, attorneys for Independent Maps argued a lower court’s ruling against the constitutionality of the redistricting reform amendment is contrary to both the intent of the drafters of the 1970 Illinois Constitution and the plain language of the constitution’s provision allowing voters to propose amendments.

If the Cook County Circuit Court ruling is not reversed, it “would eviscerate the constitutional right conferred on the people of Illinois by the 1970 Constitution to bypass self-interested legislators and directly propose needed reforms,” according to the brief filed Tuesday.… Continue Reading


Written by J. Matt Barber

There’s a reason why the Washington Post is not-so-affectionately tagged the “Washington Compost” by its fast-growing pool of distrustful detractors. That reason is embodied in both the person (and the “journalism”) of one Jonathan Capehart, homosexual activist, Washington Post mercenary-hack and editorial board member. Capehart is a liar and, by extension, so is the Washington Post.

Now, when I say that Capehart is a liar, I don’t mean it in the pejorative sense.… Continue Reading



Written by Dr. Mark Creech

Was it simply a faux pas? Was it ignorance? Or was it intentional? These were the questions running through my mind as I listened to Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

After mentioning that she and other Democrats were meeting in Philadelphia, the nation’s birthplace, Clinton briefly talked about the struggle that our nation’s 13 colonies had in coalescing around the shaping of our Republic. “The revolution hung in the balance,” she said, but they found “common purpose.”… Continue Reading



Written by Ilya Shapiro

Plenty of libertarians were wary of seeing former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld as the Libertarian Party’s nominee for vice president. Even those of us who haven’t had anything to do with the LP would like to see the party represented by, you know, libertarians. Weld, who seems like a nice man and was apparently a decent governor, is the living expositor of the difference between a libertarian and someone who’s “socially liberal and fiscally conservative.”… Continue Reading
