In an opinion piece published in Saturday’s Washington Examiner, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a warning to the GOP that “Democrats in Washington, D.C. are plotting to pour hundreds of millions of dollars in state and local elections across the country” in an effort to buy back power.
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As most readers know, the Illinois General Assembly voted to approve a massive income tax increase on citizens and corporations in Illinois over the Independence Day holiday weekend. Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed this tax grab as soon as it arrived on his desk. But within two days of his veto, Democrats in the Illinois Senate and House overrode his veto with the help of eleven weak-kneed Republicans.  Ironically, many of these state lawmakers openly acknowledge...
As heat of summer reaches a peak, many families are already preparing for back-to-school shopping in the coming weeks. Many will also be taking advantage of “sales tax free” weekends right around the corner. Over the past year...
OUTRAGED. That’s how most of us reacted over the Independence Day holiday, as many of our so-called “public servants” in Springfield betrayed the citizens of Illinois once AGAIN. In addition to outrage, many of us felt genuine fear: How much more will this cost me? That, my friends, is why we must go “From Outrage to Action.”
U.S. Senator McCain joined two probation Republicans to defeat the Senate bill that would defund Planned Parenthood. Called the skinny Bill to repeal portions of Obamacare, pro-life organizations and Senate Republican leaders hoped the bill would get enough votes to be able to land a repeal and defund measure on President Donald Trump’s desk.
Richard Dawkins is no friend to conservatives. The atheist author has spent much of his life deriding Judaism and Christianity. He once stated, "An atheist is just somebody who feels about Yahweh the way any decent Christian feels about Thor or Baal or the golden calf." Dawkins says that even moderate religious people "make the world safe for extremists." He's far to the left on politics: He's pro-abortion rights, and a supporter of the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats in Britain.
Judging by the unhinged reaction this past week to the first public meeting of President Trump’s blue-ribbon voter fraud panel, progressives are terrified. They’re fearful that these election experts are actually going to do the job they’ve been given – uncovering the extent to which the nation’s voter rolls are vulnerable to fraudulent activity. How else to explain the panic and shots fired before the commission even met?
Tuesday on his radio show, Conservative Review Editor-in-chief Mark Levin exposed far-left Democratic Congressman Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., breaking down his radical past.
Christians believe humankind is God’s all-time favorite creation because He tells us so in the Bible. But leftist/socialists often known as Democrats think humans are an evil, toxic blight bent on destroying the planet through heinous activities like gassing up our cars. Boom. This is the war of the opposing worldviews going on today and it’s worldwide. It encompasses every important issue including man-caused global warming.
In this 50th edition of the Illinois Family Spotlight podcast, IFI’s and Illinois Right to Life Action’s lobbyist Ralph Rivera gives us a recap of the spring legislative session in Springfield. Well over 6,000 bills were introduced between January 11, 2017 and May 31, 2017.  Dozens of these bills were on our radar screen.
By nine votes, 217 to 208, the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted down a proposal to identify “Islamic religious doctrines, concepts or schools of thought” that jihad terrorists use.