SPOTLIGHT: Springfield 2017 Legislative Recap
Written by Benjamin Smith
In this 50th edition of the Illinois Family Spotlight podcast, IFI’s and Illinois Right to Life Action’s lobbyist Ralph Rivera gives us a recap of the spring legislative session in Springfield. Well over 6,000 bills were introduced between January 11, 2017 and May 31, 2017. Dozens of these bills were on our radar screen. For a quick reference guide to these bills of concern, please click HERE.
In this podcast, Monte, Dave, and Ralph focus their discussions on HB 40, a bill which removes the ban on taxpayer funded abortions. In the second half of the podcast they discuss everything from pro-life victories in Illinois, to transgender birth certificates (HB 1785), and recreational marijuana.
Concerned citizens must urge Governor Rauner to veto both HB 40 and HB 1785. Please take two minutes to call his office and ask him to veto these unacceptable bills. The governor’s Springfield office number is (217) 782-0244. The Chicago phone number is (312) 814-2121. You can also send him an email HERE.
Ask him to reject transgender birth certificates and taxpayer funding for abortion.
No to taxpayer funding of abortion, and corrupt, nonsensical legislation for falsifying a legal document.
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