There has been enthusiastic collusion by the leadership of the Democratic Party with the Russian disinformation campaign to destroy President Donald Trump.  The Democrat willingness to collude with Russia to overturn our democratically elected president is unprecedented.  There is the infamous case of Ted Kennedy approaching the Kremlin to help Democrats defeat Reagan, but never before has collusion with our enemies by a non-communist party been sustained and widespread. What has changed?  We are reaping the results of a multi-decade effort by the communist and socialist left...
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The Illinois News Network (INN) reported an astonishing fact earlier this week when they pointed out that Illinois State Representative Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) has the official record of the longest-serving House Speaker in U.S. history. Madigan has lead the Illinois House now for 33 years, and all the while, the Illinois Republican Party has proven to be inept and cowardly. As a result, the state continues to spiral down toward new political, fiscal and immoral lows.
While Bill Clinton may still be pondering the meaning of the word “is,” a federal court in Miami is trying to define what the word “reasonable” means. The ruling in this historic case could well determine how secure elections are all over the United States for years to come...
Things are looking up for the Democratic Socialists of America. With a membership of 25,000, it is now the largest socialist group in America since the Second World War. And last weekend in Chicago, it held its largest convention, by a considerable margin, in its history.
Liberals across the state of Illinois now have a holiday to honor the birth of their Lord and Savior -- President Barack Obama. Governor Bruce Rauner signed into law legislation that would designate August 4th as "Barack Obama Day." NBC News Chicago reports...
At a recent Face the Truth Tour event, Monte Larrick interviewed Eric Scheidler, the Executive Director of the Pro Life Action League. They discuss why the Pro Life Action League does this tour where pro-baby activists and volunteers converge on a busy intersection displaying signs depicting aborted human beings.  Monte and Eric also discuss pending legislation for taxpayer funded abortion (HB 40), and the possibility of overturning of Roe v. Wade...
The above headline is from an informative short post by Dennis Bryne over at the "Barbershop." The topic is "gerrymandering," the now 200-year-old fight over how legislative district lines are drawn. Every ten years it’s big news here in Illinois -- and, of course -- around the country. Following each U.S. census, legislative districts are reapportioned and district lines are redrawn.
Left-wing activists flocked to one of the Apostolic Church of God last Sunday morning not to seek God, but to protest the traditional faith of its Christian members and church leaders. The demonstration was organized after Pastor Brazier and other church leaders had removed a woman from membership because she openly celebrates her same-sex relationship. Will our culture will tolerate historic Christian beliefs, traditions and teachings that run contrary to the creed of the LGBTQIA mafia?
In Washington, it's never about what they tell you it's about. So take this to the bank: The case of Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz's mysterious Pakistani IT guy, is not about bank fraud.
Wednesday of this [last] week marks 4,300 days since the last major hurricane (Category 3 or stronger, 111-129 mph maximum sustained winds) made landfall in the U.S. That’s almost 12 years.
"Socialism,” said Richard John Neuhaus, “is the religion people get when they lose their religion.” While that might have been true in Neuhaus’s day, many young Christians are now attempting to have their faith and socialism too. I never got the opportunity to meet Fr. Neuhaus. He died in January 2009, two months before I started working as the web editor at the magazine he founded, First Things. I suspect, though, that the staunch advocate of democratic capitalism would be surprised and dismayed to find his publication now has editors who identify as socialist and columnists who claim capitalism is inimical to Christianity.