Wondering why so much of the Left in America continues to be silent — if not rationalizing — in the face of extremist left-wing groups like “Antifa”? It might be because much of the mainstream Left has chosen to link up with radical, fringe organizations that agree with much of Antifa’s communist/socialist/anarchist ideology.
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When progressives propose something that supposedly will enhance "democracy," it inevitably winds up expanding government.
CNN has just published a map and listing of “all the active hate groups where you live.” I’ve got serious problems with lists like this, but apparently CNN doesn’t. It seems to me that if they believe in “hate group” lists, they really ought to include themselves on it. A list like this one, published days after Charlottesville, is, in theory, meant to warn Americans against groups that might carry similar violence into other cities. Some of the groups on this list, which was developed and has been kept updated by the Southern Poverty Law Center, truly fit that description. Others simply don’t belong there.
In an interview Sunday, August 6, with NBC's "Meet the Press" the California Governor (who is himself a former Jesuit novice) said, “I’d say, look, even on the abortion issue, it wasn’t very long ago that a number of Catholic Democrats were opposed to abortion,” Mr. Brown said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “So the fact that somebody believes today what most people believed 50 years ago should not be the basis for their exclusion.”
The Illinois state government’s fiscal condition has been a national news story for some time – even the butt of jokes and sarcasm as illustrated by this headline: " State That Can't Pay Its Bills Gets Obama Holiday." That means it’s time for a new state-sponsored program, wouldn’t you say? Back in May, the Office of the Governor broke the news with these four paragraphs...
Monte Larrick recently interviewed Vicki Thorn the keynote speaker at the Lake County Right to Life banquet. Vicki founded Project Rachel in 1984, a ministry of the Catholic Church to post-abortive women. Ms. Thorn is also the Executive Director of the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing.
The Illinois Family Institute (IFI) is included on the SPLC so-called “hate” groups list for no reason other than our biblical view of marriage as a sexually differentiated union and our biblical views of sexual morality—views that are shared by the Roman Catholic Church, many Evangelical and Protestant denominations, many non-denominational churches, Orthodox Judaism, 2,000 years of church history, and the Bible.
Men must define their enemies. It is vital to identify and know everything you can possibly know about your enemy. You must know their strengths, their weaknesses, their past actions, their allies and enemies, and so forth.
Yiannopoulos (hereafter Milo), gay conservative provocateur, may need no introduction. Indeed, many people might refuse to read his new book Dangerous even though as of July 28, 2017, it was ranked #1 in Amazon's "commentary and opinion" books. That would be a pity. The people who would feel most repelled are actually most at risk in the new social media-governed world for which Yiannopoulos, formerly Breitbart’ technology editor, offers insight.
Former Miss America Erika Harold announced Tuesday that she plans to seek the GOP nomination for Illinois attorney general with hopes of taking on Lisa Madigan next fall. An attorney from Urbana, Harold in 2012 and 2014 unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for U.S. Congress in Illinois' 13th District. 
In the Spotlight this week, Monte Larrick and David Smith speak with Lennie Jarratt, the project manager for the Center for Transforming Education at The Heartland Institute. Jarratt is well-versed on Common Core and education choice. He’s been on Fox News, Breitbart, ABC Chicagoand multiple radio outlets and newspapers across the United States.