Roughly four years ago, then Prime Minister David Cameron announced that MP's would decide whether or not to redefine the meaning of marriage. The announcement came as somewhat of a surprise as David Cameron had not made any mention whatsoever in his pre-election manifesto (or platform) signalling his intention to initiate this possible shift.
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A coalition of 47 conservatives has written a letter appealing to the media to stop citing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as an authority on "hate," calling it "an attack dog of the political left" that slanders traditional conservatives as "extremists."
JP Morgan Chase recently announced that they are donating $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in response to the violent protests that took place in Charlottesville in early August. The largest bank in the United States also announced a two-for-one match for employee donations to groups that promote human and ever expanding special rights.
In 1993, when President Bill Clinton signed the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), its boosters claimed that it would solve, once and for all, a plethora of problems plaguing the nation’s voter registration rolls. However, like many ballyhooed efforts, the Motor Voter Law ... resulted in an even crazier system...

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The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) claims to be a watchdog over “hate groups and racial extremists throughout the United States.” But perhaps the SPLC is a radical left-wing organization itself, with an extremist agenda of its own.
President Donald Trump has nominated Kansas Governor and former U.S. Senator Sam Brownback to serve as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Liberty. Brownback will head the Office of International Religious Freedom in the U.S. Department of State.
More than 70,000 people have signed a petition accusing socialist activist and billionaire investor George Soros of sedition against the US and demanding that he and his affiliates be declared “domestic terrorists” and that his assets be seized. The petition was initially launched on August 20 and has gained more than 70,000+ signatures as of this morning.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is so upset that U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has been tweeting quotations from the Bible, they wrote him a hot letter about it. Professing themselves to be wise, the group became fools and say Senators quoting the Bible is a “constitutional violation.”
"This is a political militia that is doing the bidding, in effect, of Nancy Pelosi and Governor Jerry Brown and the mayor of Berkeley and all these supposedly mainstream Democratic politicians..."
The Christian pro-family organization D. James Kennedy Ministries is filing a defamation lawsuit against the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for labeling it a “hate group.” The lawsuit also names, AmazonSmile Foundation and GuideStar USA — organizations that have relied on the SPLC's "hate" designation to effectively punish DJKM and other pro-family and conservative groups by labeling them as “hate groups” and thus ineligible for charitable donation programs.