This edition of spotlight features Dr. Michelle Cretella’s presentation at IFI’s 2019 Worldview Conference on the transgender movement. She talks about the erasure of free speech especially in the transgender movement, the true science of sex and gender, the war over the dictionary, a normal sequence for sex change operations, warnings about interacting your pediatricians, rapid onset gender dysphoria (peer pressure), lawsuits concerning ripple effects from the transgender movement, sowing the seeds for totalitarianism, and some action steps.… Continue Reading
Written by Joshua Denton
Roughly four years ago, then Prime Minister David Cameron announced that MP’s would decide whether or not to redefine the meaning of marriage. The announcement came as somewhat of a surprise as David Cameron had not made any mention whatsoever in his pre-election manifesto (or platform) signalling his intention to initiate this possible shift.
In the ensuing chaos leading up to the vote, David Burrows MP, a mild-mannered supporter of the ‘Coalition for Marriage’, had excrement thrown at his house.… Continue Reading
Tags: children, David Burrows, David Cameron, discrimination, Family, Fee Speech, Gender Dysphoria, Gender Fluidity, Gender Identity, Homosexuality, Inclusion, persecution, religious liberty, Roz Kaveney, same-sex marriage, sex-change, Theresa May, United Kingdom
LGBTQ Agenda, Marriage, Family & Culture, Religious Liberty | David E. Smith |
September 9, 2017 7:00 AM |
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