There are four pillars of the Swamp in Washington, D.C. Each of them works against the American people and President Trump’s agenda. The legislative and judicial branches are the first two pillars. Each institution, in their original form, were created for good. Now, these once good institutions have been remade into something that has and continues, to hurt our country.
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Monte Larrick caught up with Stephen Black at the National Religious Broadcasters convention a few months ago. Black has been the Executive Director of First Stone Ministries since 2000 and is the author of the recently released book, Freedom Realized: Finding Freedom from Homosexuality and Living a Life Free from Labels.
Twitter’s CEO just discovered something. Even though his company is partnering with the dangerously ideological Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and targets conservatives, it was Jack Dorsey’s tweet about eating at Chick-fil-A which suddenly put him in the “bad liberal corner.”
Since November 2016, the Deep State and its media allies have spent considerable time and money cultivating animus toward President Trump and the Republican-led Congress among younger voters.
Am I proud of Chicago’s murder rate that I just heard is larger than Los Angeles and New York City’s combined? No. Am I proud of the city’s reputation for political corruption dating back a century or more and is measured yearly by the number of public officials found guilty of crimes? No.
Illinois Republicans never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Whether it is reaching enough Illinoisans with the facts about just how messed up this state is fiscally, or about the terrible consequences of the wrongly named “Equal Rights Amendment." GOP leaders here can’t seem to make use of the many “learning moments” that occur weekly in Illinois politics.
In this week's podcast episode, Illinois Family Institute lobbyist Ralph Rivera and contract lobbyist Mark Johnson join Monte Larrick to discuss some of the action, and inaction, that occurred during the spring Illinois General Assembly session.
The left and Trump-opposing right are predictably annoyed at President Trump’s persistent description of the liberal media as “fake news.” Like it or not, the term as he uses it has merit. Trump’s opponents hysterically claim he threatens the free press when he uses that term to describe them, just as they accuse him of other alleged abuses of constitutional power. In fact, unlike President Obama, Trump has governed within his constitutional authority. If his rhetoric scares them, then maybe they should find a safe space.
Fifty-six members of Congress are urging the Department of Health and Human Services to investigate Planned Parenthood for covering up and not reporting the sexual abuse and trafficking of minors. Speaking at a news conference outside the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, several pro-life activists and members of Congress spoke about a newly released report by Live Action titled, "Aiding Abusers: Planned Parenthood's Coverup of Child Sexual Abuse," that they say details Planned Parenthood's long history of complicity with sexual exploitation.
For a second time this year, Illinois Family Action is being presented with a $20,000 matching challenge! These donors want to help Illinois Family ACTION raise much-needed funds to help us get the vote out and put key pro-family candidates across the finish line in the General Election on November 6th.
In this edition of Spotlight, we’re pleased to present a portion of the Q&A session that closed out our recent 2018 Worldview Conference. Our keynote speaker, John Stonestreet, president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview and co-host of BreakPoint Radio programs, fielded a variety of questions from Monte Larrick and conference attendees.