By a vote of 53-44, the U.S. Senate failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would have required doctors to provide medical care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion procedure. U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth voted against the bill sponsored by U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) and cosponsored by 49 of other Republican Senators.
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U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) summarized it best when he said that these bills are not about “limiting access to abortion at all,” but rather about “making sure that every newborn has a fighting chance.”
Latasha Fields, founder and director of CHESS – Christian Home Educators Support System, joins IFI executive director David Smith on this edition of Spotlight. In the first half of the podcast, David and Latasha discuss the egregious Illinois House and Senate legislation that aims to eviscerate parental rights and eliminate religious liberty.
The 1619 Project is a misguided effort to keep open historical wounds while telling only half of the story. It is flawed because it is connected to critical race theory and the diversity-inclusion grievance industry that focuses on identity politics and division. Blaming today’s families for the mistakes of our ancestors is not a prescription for unifying the country or empowering racial and ethnic minorities.
Prior to last fall’s IFI Faith, Family, and Freedom Banquet, the Reverend Franklin Graham spoke with Monte Larrick. We are pleased to feature that interview on this edition of Spotlight. Rev. Graham stresses that Christians must be engaged and involved in the political process, educated as to the candidates’ stand on the crucial issues of life and religious freedoms, and committed to prayer before entering the voter booth.
Chicago Tribune writer Eric Zorn has offered a new paradigm for U.S. elections. Zorn says, “Let’s give Green Card holders (non-citizens who have legal status to reside permanently and work in the U.S.) voting rights. After all, they pay taxes!” His January 23rd column is titled, “Jesse White’s blunder makes me want to ask, what’s so terrible about allowing non-citizens to vote?”
President Ronald Reagan called voting a “the most sacred right of free men and women.” Sacred or not, less-than-sacred stuff often happens on Election Day, preventing even those with the best of intentions to leave their ballot uncast. Work or family matters get in the way, the long lines at the polling place common in a presidential election year serve as a big deterrent, and yes — sometimes people just plain forget to vote.
This is a tale of two candidates as far apart as night and day. Last week, President Donald J. Trump boldly spoke in defense of life to millions watching his State of the Union address. Using an example of a mother and daughter who were guests in the U.S. House chamber for his speech, the President said:
In a presentation at the 2019 SpeakOut Illinois conference, former state representative Peter Breen gives us an insider’s view of the life of a legislator and offers valuable tips for interacting with those individuals who are hard against an issue, hard in favor of an issue, or “neutral.” While many of Breen’s remarks are directed toward pro-life legislation, his advice is applicable to other topics of concern to conservatives and pro-family voters.  
J.D. Vance was born in 1984 in Middletown, Ohio, where his grandparents had moved two generations prior and found gainful employment with the American Rolling Mill Company, commonly called Armco Steel. Decent wages enabled them work their way toward a comfortable life, one very different, materially, from the dirt-poor subsistence they’d left in the hills of Jackson, Kentucky. In Middletown, people could make ends meet, raise a family, and still have a little extra to spend come Christmas time.

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