Category: Religious Liberty

“Pride Month” is Officially a Religion: Twitter CEO Shamed Into Disavowing Chik-fil-A Visit

In April, Babylon Bee published a satirical op-ed entitled: “You Either Die An SJW, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become A Bigot”

The “author” of the piece was Starbucks Executive Chair Howard Schultz. The op-ed mocked how Starbucks was shamed into closing all of its 8,000 stores because leftist social justice warriors claimed that one Philadelphia store manager’s decision meant the entire company was full of racists.

This is the same Starbucks which endorsed left-wing ideologies on LGBT issues long before they were popular.… Continue Reading

Deconstructing Young Minds

Written by Robert Knight

Since November 2016, the Deep State and its media allies have spent considerable time and money cultivating animus toward President Trump and the Republican-led Congress among younger voters.

Many Millennials came unglued in the wake of the election and still are.  The Left is counting on their turning out to elect progressives in November.  Social media bristle with anti-Trump and anti-conservative invectives, and some of it spills over into anti-American rants.

As author William J.Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Q & A With John Stonestreet

In this edition of Spotlight, we’re pleased to present a portion of the Q&A session that closed out our recent 2018 Worldview Conference. Our keynote speaker, John Stonestreet, president of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview and co-host of BreakPoint Radio programs, fielded a variety of questions from Monte Larrick and conference attendees.

Stonestreet insightfully addressed a wide range of topics from pending Supreme Court legislation to Kanye West and the dangers of celebrityism, identity politics, division in our nation, and the need for discernment in regard to Facebook and other forms of social media.… Continue Reading

Are Google And YouTube Blocking Searches for Red Pill Videos?

Written by Karen McQuillan

A year or so ago, there were a spate of articles about the red pill videos on YouTube – millennials turning off to the bullying by feminists and race hustlers, thinking for themselves, becoming conservative, and posting a video of their personal journey from blue to red online. I googled ‘red pill’ and had a cheerful time following links. I learned about Candace Owens at that time, and a lot of other black and white millennials who had posted articulate, heartfelt, intimate, sometimes funny YouTubes explaining why they’d become conservative.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: John Stonestreet on our Cultural Revolution

Written by John Biver

Monte Larrick interviewed John Stonestreet at Illinois Family Institute’s Fourth Annual Worldview Conference. Stonestreet is the president of the Chuck Colson Center and BreakPoint Radio co-host. They discuss why Christians should be concerned about the Culture when we have seemingly lost; the next major cultural shift after the Sexual Revolution; the continued attacks on religious freedom; and when it is right for Christians to engage in civil disobedience.

Monte and John also discuss the cost of following Jesus, and legalization of recreational marijuana.… Continue Reading

Fear of the Left: The Most Powerful Force in America Today

Written by Dennis Prager

The dominant force in America and many other Western countries today is fear of the left.

This is a result of the fact that the most dynamic religion of the past 100 years has been neither Christianity nor Islam. It has been leftism. Whoever does not recognize this does not understand the contemporary world.

What is Leftism?

Leftism — in its incarnations, such as Marxism, communism and socialism; expressed through egalitarianism, environmentalism and feminism; in its denigration of capitalism and Western civilization, especially America and Israel; in its supplanting of Christianity and Judaism; through its influence on Christianity and Judaism; in its celebration of race; and in its replacing of reason with romanticism — has almost completely taken over the news and entertainment media and institutions of education.… Continue Reading

Candidate Burt Minor’s Answers to Pro-Family Questions Raises Concerns

Written by John Biver

Keeping a candidate’s policy positions straight isn’t easy when the candidate appears to come out on both sides of an issue. Sometimes it is due to a simple mistake, as people can misspeak without even realizing it.

When the issue is taxpayer funding of abortion, however, a person is either for it or against it. The same comes to religious liberty and conscience rights. There is no middle ground, even though some candidates would love for there to be some.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Creche on Display in the Illinois Rotunda

Written by David E. Smith

The Springfield Nativity Scene Committee* (SNSC) recently held its annual opening day ceremony for their privately sponsored and funded display depicting the birth of Jesus Christ.  This display marks the 10th straight year that this display has had a place in the center of the State Capitol Rotunda.  This is possible, thanks in large part to the help of the Thomas More Society, including our guest Tom BrejchaContinue Reading

Congress Fails to Repeal Johnson Amendment in Tax Bill

Written by Michael Gryboski

A measure within the federal tax overhaul bill that would end the IRS regulation barring churches from endorsing political candidates has been removed from the proposed legislation.

The U.S. Senate’s parliamentarian struck out the language overturning the Johnson Amendment, with the Hill reporting last week that the reason was because it “did not meet Senate rules that require elements of the tax bill to have something to do with the budget.”

“The Senate is seeking to move a House-Senate conference report under special budgetary rules that prevent Democrats from using a filibuster,” explained The Hill.Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: David Barton on the Constitution, Federal Courts and Higher Ed

Written by David E. Smith

Last month, Illinois Family Institute teamed up with Restore Our Constitution to host a special event with historian David Barton in Decatur. Mr. Barton is the founder and president of Wall Builders, and an author of a number of best selling books.

David Barton touched on a number of topics in his presentation, including the push for a Convention of the States, the problem of rouge federal judges and indoctrination centers known as colleges and universities — pointing out that only 27 percent of college graduates get a job related to their major.… Continue Reading