Category: Political

Bank Your Vote or Go For Broke?

Written by Nancy Hayes

Republicans’ new idea for winning the upcoming 2024 election is a nationwide campaign they’re calling “Bank Your Vote,” a Republican National Committee (RNC) strategy that is trickling back to the GOP in the states, including in Illinois.

The gist of it is, that local GOP officials are encouraging Republicans to vote early in 2024. The campaign is meant to maximize pre-Election Day voting through in-person voting, absentee voting, and ballot harvesting where legal.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Religious Liberty in America

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks from Ariella Del Turco on the topic of religious liberty in the first half, along with a question and answer segment with Ambassador Sam Brownback during the second half.

Arielle Del Turco is the director of Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council (FRC) and is the co-author of FRC’s “Hostility Against Churches” report.

Sam Brownback is the former governor of Kansas, formerly representing Kansas in the U.S.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Project 21

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Horace Cooper. Cooper is a senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board and a legal commentator.

In response to the attack that Christianity and the Church is facing, Cooper notes,

As Christians, one of things we need to understand… American Christians are one of the most powerful forces on the planet.

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Yes, The Culture War is Real, And Democrats Started It

Written by Robert Knight

Did you know that debating issues in Congress is part of the culture war and is bad for democracy?

That’s what The Washington Post (motto: “Democracy Dies in Darkness”) implied in its front-page story after the Republican-led House approved the National Defense Authorization Act in a 219-210 party-line vote.

The bill authorizes an $886 billion defense budget and rolls back some of the Democrats’ schemes aimed at turning America into a Marxist version of Sodom and Gomorrah.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Celebrating American Independence

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews attorney David Shestokas, a former 2022 candidate for Illinois Attorney General. Mr. Shestokas is involved in the battle for election integrity, and is the author of two must-read books: Creating the Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Soundbites.

In this episode, Shestokas emphasizes the important role that the Declaration of Independence currently plays in preserving American freedoms. He notes,

“What the Constitution is intended to do is to execute the ideals that are found in the Declaration of Independence… the Constitution itself is a pretty mechanical document, but the Declaration of Independence defines really what it means to be an American.”

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GOP’s Moral Cowardice Leads to More Concessions, Acceptance of Dems’ Unthinkable Agenda

Written by Robert Knight

What is it with Republicans who try to fight the culture war with one hand tied behind their backs? They shift to a defensive crouch even when their position is clearly right.

G.K. Chesterton mocked this tendency years ago. Some politicians, he wrote, would loudly oppose the deadly mugging of a grandmother in a city park not because it’s immoral but because it would be a “waste of a perfectly good grandmother.”… Continue Reading

Non-Citizens Will Have the Power to Arrest Legal American Citizens in Illinois?

Written by Nancy Hayes

At a recent Three Headed Eagle Alliance event called “Pints and Politics,” Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur), a member of the Illinois Freedom Caucus stated: “No non-citizen American should ever be in a position to arrest an American citizen in America.”

This seems like an obvious statement, but Caulkins was responding to the recent passing of HB 3751, which amends the Illinois Municipal Code by adding the following:

An individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the U.S.

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Meritless Rape, Incest, and Viability Exceptions

Written by James M. Odom

There has been a lot of talk recently, notably by President Donald Trump but by several other prominent “conservatives,” about including exceptions for rape, incest, and viability in anti-abortion legislation. [1]

The purpose of such legislation though is not political popularity, but fundamental human liberty – securing certain unalienable rights of all mankind, determined and given by Our Creator – the most important, and perhaps only true duty of American government.… Continue Reading

Carjacking Is So Chronic in Illinois That It Needs Its Own Hotline

Written by Brian Wencel

Recently, the Illinois House and Senate unanimously passed a bill to help victims of carjacking. HB 2245, if signed by Governor Pritzker, will require all car manufacturers that sell in Illinois to have their own 24/7 hotline. This hotline, which will be run by the manufacturers themselves, will be used primarily by law enforcement to find stolen vehicles’ locations. If the vehicle is found, the bill will force car manufacturers to provide the location to law enforcement.… Continue Reading

Progressives Have Made Science a Religion Not Worth Following

Written by Peter Heck

In the lead-up to the 2022 midterm elections, Northeastern University ran an analysis attempting to evaluate how much political endorsements actually matter in determining the outcome of a race. The consensus of their assembled experts and professors seemed to be that someone like former President Donald Trump‘s endorsement of a candidate during a midterm election might help at the periphery, but, “there are more fundamental variables affecting election outcomes than endorsements.”… Continue Reading