Category: Federal Elections

Dr. Carson Calls Abortion to Save Mother’s Life a ‘Spurious Argument,’ ‘That Situation Rarely Occurs’

republican-presidential-debateRepublican 2016 U.S. presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson answers a question
at the first official Republican presidential candidates debate
of the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign in Cleveland, Ohio, August 6, 2015.

Written by Samuel Smith

Republican presidential candidate and retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson was asked in a Tuesday CBS News interview to clarify whether he opposes abortion in the cases of rape, incest and when the mother’s life is in danger. The argument that abortion is justified when the mother’s life is at risk is misleading, he answered.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio on Life

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Hillary Clinton and the Benefits of Silence


Written by Georgy Gounev

Let’s clear up a potential misunderstanding from the very beginning: the uniqueness of the strategy behind the election campaign 2016 of the former Secretary of State Clinton involves two layers of silence.

The first one is practiced by Ms. Clinton who for the first time in the history of presidential elections rejects any form of contact with the press. As far as the second layer is concerned, it involves deliberate silence of the sycophantic press with regard to the problem areas plaguing the record of the Senator or Secretary of State Clinton.… Continue Reading

The Question Trump Can’t Answer


Written by Michael Medved

In the GOP debate, Donald Trump said he couldn’t commit to support the ultimate nominee, and refused to rule out a third party run, but he never faced the obvious follow-up question. If he really cares about the conservative principles he now espouses, why wouldn’t he promise to support the Republican nominee?

Does he think that there is any chance that Hillary Clinton would come closer to representing a conservative agenda than any conceivable GOP candidate?… Continue Reading

Donald Trump Is Planned Parenthood’s Favorite Republican


Written by Betsy Woodruff

The GOP frontrunner said in an interview Tuesday that he supported the status quo when it comes to Planned Parenthood. The group couldn’t be more pleased.
Planned Parenthood gained an unlikely new booster on Tuesday morning:Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.The billionaire told Chris Cuomo on CNN’s New Day that he opposes federal funding going to Planned Parenthood to pay for abortions, but that he’s okay with tax dollars going to the group to pay for other services that it provides.… Continue Reading

Mike Huckabee Quote

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Carly: A Flawed Candidate


From NewsMachete

I’ve never been comfortable with Carly Fiorina because she ran as a no-issues moderate for the 2010 senate race in California, and she hasn’t articulated any conservative principles before 2015.

But she has spoken up in other ways – just not very conservative-like:

Immediately after 9/11, Carly gave a speech where, in light of the 3,000 Americans who had just been slaughtered, her first concern was for… Muslims.

And as a business leader, I experienced a whole other set of emotions – first and foremost concern for the safety of our employees and their families.… Continue Reading

Ohio Gov. John Kasich at GOP Debate: “I Went to a Gay Wedding”


Written by Samuel Smith

As the question “Would you attend a same-sex wedding?” has been thrown at many Republican presidential candidates following June’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Ohio Gov. John Kasich declared during Thursday night’s Fox News Republican presidential debate that he has, in fact, attended a gay wedding.

When asked by Fox host Megyn Kelly how he would explain his opposition to gay marriage to a hypothetical gay son or lesbian daughter, the former chairman of the U.S.… Continue Reading

Score Card from the Big Debates


Written by Michael Medved

All Republicans should feel relieved, if not jubilant. Lots of winners who helped themselves, and no disastrous losers.

Major gains for Marco Rubio who was lucid, passionate, self-assured, Kennedyesque – cementing his status as everyone’s second choice, which may win him the nomination, ultimately. John Kasich also moved his campaign forward: starting in tenth place (according to the polls) he looked and sounded like a folksy, credible, mainstream contender. Jeb Bush, who had to overcome a recent reputation for bumbling and gaffes, seemed strong, capable, sympathetic, and accessible.… Continue Reading

U.S. Rep. Dold Has Money Edge in 10th District Rematch


Written by Russ Stewart

In Washington, D.C., “safe” is every politician’s, lobbyist’s and campaign fund-raiser’s favorite four-letter word, physically and politically, especially in the U.S. House, where the Republicans hold a 245-188 majority (with two vacancies).

Of the 435 seats up for election in 2016, according to nonpartisan prognosticators like the Rothenberg and Gonzales Political Report, Rollcall, Sabato’s Crystal Ball and the Cook Political Report, only 32 are “in play,” which means susceptible to a party switch next year.… Continue Reading