Category: Federal Elections

Photo ID: Fraud Prevention or Voter Suppression?


Written by John Biver

Here’s a recent headline from the Washington Examiner: “Just 4 in 10 confident vote will be counted accurately.” In the article, Paul Bedard reports that some “elections experts have raised questions about the accuracy of computerized voting systems.” One expert even admitted “that manipulating the total vote count in states is ‘child’s play.’”

Bedard cited a recent study:

Americans are almost evenly divided over what constitutes the more significant problem with U.S.

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GOP Judge Paves Road for Thousands of Potential Non-Citizens Voting in Kansas

Vote Key

Written by Daniel Horowitz

Despite news percolating throughout the country about non-citizens registering to vote under loose Motor-Voter practices, the courts are refusing to allow states to verify citizenship as a condition for registering to vote. Yesterday, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court’s injunction against a Kansas law requiring those registering with federal Motor-Voter forms to show proof of citizenship. The original injunction forced the state to register 20,000 individuals who failed to show proof of citizenship.… Continue Reading

WikiLeaks: Damning Evidence That Obama LIED About Hillary’s Server

Written by Amanda Prestigiacomo

On March 7, 2015, President Barack Obama looked the American people in the eye and assured them that he had no prior knowledge of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s private email server before news hit, telling CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante that he learned about his former secretary of state’s private server “[t]he same time everybody else learned it through news reports.”

The recent WikiLeaks release of Hillary campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails suggests otherwise. … Continue Reading

Where’s Abortion in the 2016 Election?


Written by Peter Skurkiss

One of the ways this 2016 election is unlike others in the recent past is the muting of social issues. This is due in large part to the way that Donald Trump has burst onto the scene and turned over the applecart of the political establishment. Not only do the Democrats hate him, which is to be expected, but so do the Republican elites.

Trump’s very presence in the campaign has sucked much of the oxygen out of the room for social matters like abortion.… Continue Reading

OB-GYN to Hillary Clinton: ‘No Medical Situation’ Requires Late-Term Abortion


Written by Samuel Smith

In response to Hillary Clinton‘s defense of partial-birth and late-term abortions at [last week’s] debate, a California obstetrician-gynecologist has reportedly taken to Facebook to decry the claim that third-trimester abortion is necessary to help save the life of the mother.

The Democratic presidential nominee defended her opposition to bans on late-term and partial-birth abortions by arguing that there are cases in which mothers and families are forced to make “the most heartbreaking, painful decisions” because they get news that the woman’s health may be in jeopardy.

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Ahead of Elections, U.S. Congress Approval at 18%

Image result for congressional approval

Written by Justin McCarthy

With less than a month to go before the U.S. congressional elections, 18% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. This rating has been low for some time, and has not cracked 25% since 2009.

Congressional Job Approval Ratings: 2009-2016

The latest figure, from an Oct. 5-9 Gallup poll, represents Americans’ final job approval rating of Congress before the November elections, and is similar to the ratings found in final pre-election polls in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, when Congress approval ranged between 18% and 21%.… Continue Reading

Voter Fraud: A Battlefield That Cannot Be Surrendered

Written by John Biver
First a bit of news from Western Journalism. In one of his typically difficult to watch and listen to comments, President Barack Obama had this to say about those warning about voter fraud:

It happens to be based on no facts. Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who has examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found.

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2016 Election Exposes Evangelical Divides


Written by Bob Smietana

Americans with evangelical beliefs share a great deal in common. They trust in Jesus alone, evangelize their neighbors, and believe the Bible is the final authority in their lives.

But when it comes to voting, race and political affiliation still divide evangelicals, according to a survey from Nashville-based LifeWay Research taken before the second presidential debate.

Overall, fewer than half (45 percent) of those with evangelical beliefs who plan to vote support Donald Trump, according to the survey.… Continue Reading

No Candidate for Homeschoolers

Jamie Hooper / Shutterstock

Written by Matthew Hennessy

Neither major presidential candidate has made homeschooling an issue during the campaign. Most of my fellow homeschoolers interpret this as a good sign. We know from bitter experience that it’s best to be ignored. Without a candidate to back, however, homeschoolers are feeling anxious about the future. What will become of us?

We know Hillary Clinton’s view. She is the standard bearer for the “it takes a village” mentality, in which child-rearing is a task best left to the benevolent state.… Continue Reading

Hillary’s Fall: Specs, Lies and Videotape

Written by J. Matt Barber

I can’t wait for “Weekend at Chelsea’s” to hit the big screen. CNN and the rest of Hillary Clinton’s slobbering media sycophants have already written the script. If this woman, God forbid, dropped dead on the sidewalk tomorrow, these doting suck-ups – these mass media strumpets whose voter trust has, understandably, reached an all-time low – would dutifully parrot the Clinton campaign talking points and call it a “minor setback” to her “inevitable” victory.… Continue Reading