Category: Marriage, Family & Culture

The Audacity of Fear: Obama Gives Young People Horrible Life Advice

Written by Peter Heck

It was always one of the most frustrating aspects of Barack Obama‘s rise to power. While the famous keynote speech he delivered at the 2004 Democratic National Convention catapulted him to fame, the rhetoric he used there was a startling departure from his previously established reputation as an instigator and agitator.

Obama cut his teeth in the dirty arena of corrupt Chicago politics, having learned the duplicitous art of “community organizing” from some of the most notorious theorists (Saul Alinsky), and even criminal mentors (Bill Ayers).… Continue Reading

Battling Cultural Marxists: Courageous Conservatives Needed

Written by Robert Knight

The growing divide in the United States isn’t merely political. It runs far deeper than that. It’s a struggle between those intent on using government and corporate power to turn America into a Marxist version of Sodom and Gomorrah and those resisting this radical transformation.

Political pundits and Republican moderates who dismiss the culture war as a sideshow are missing it. A wave is building. People are awakening to the immense damage that the left is doing on all fronts and are pushing back.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Engaging Your Church & Community with Scott Klusendorf

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, we are featuring the second part of Scott Klusendorf’s speech at the 2023 Worldview Conference.

Scott Klusendorf is the founder and president of the Life Training Institute, which is an organization that is dedicated to equipping pro-life advocates to effectively defend Life in the public square. He is the author of The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture.

In this portion, Klusendorf tackles the topic of how one’s church can effectively engage the culture with pro-life apologetics.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Case for Life with Scott Klusendorf

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features Scott Klusendorf at the IFI 2023 Worldview Conference.

Scott Klusendorf is the founder and president of the Life Training Institute, which is dedicated to equipping pro-life advocates to effectively defend their view of life in the public square. He has taught pro-life apologetics at over 80 colleges and universities, and he is the author of The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Taking a Stand: Riley Gaines

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this special episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick sits down with award-winning swimmer and speaker, Riley Gaines.

Riley Gaines was a member of the University of Kentucky’s NCAA swim team and the 2022 Southeastern Conference Women’s Swimming and Diving Scholar of the Year.

In March of 2022, Riley Gaines, along with her teammates, was forced to share a locker room and swim alongside a biological male, Will Thomas.… Continue Reading

The Hard-Earned Lesson of the Summer: Go Woke, Go Broke

Written by Curtis Ferrin

It’s always been true—pride comes before the fall. This summer, companies proved it like never before. The people spoke, voted with their dollars, and chose family values over corporate America’s virtue signaling. We witnessed companies that went “woke”—from Target to Anheuser-Busch—instantly regretting the backlash they caused and taking backward steps. People are tired of the nonsense, especially when marketing departments promote things like gender ideology that actively targets our children. Let’s review the corporate wokeness we’ve seen in recent months, and what happened next.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Religious Liberty in America

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks from Ariella Del Turco on the topic of religious liberty in the first half, along with a question and answer segment with Ambassador Sam Brownback during the second half.

Arielle Del Turco is the director of Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council (FRC) and is the co-author of FRC’s “Hostility Against Churches” report.

Sam Brownback is the former governor of Kansas, formerly representing Kansas in the U.S.… Continue Reading

Record Debt and Inflation From the ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’

Written by Daniel Horowitz

In the words of sudden country music sensation Oliver Anthony, “You weren’t born to just pay bills and die.” Yet unless we stop the debt-driven inflation and the Federal Reserve scam used to perpetuate it, we won’t even be able to pay all the bills we work our entire lives to afford.

Inflation is back with a vengeance, despite the quickest rise in interest rates ever and despite the choking off of the M2 money supply.

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SPOTLIGHT: The Status of Religious Liberty

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode, Illinois Family Spotlight features remarks and insights made by the honorable Sam Brownback that took place during an IFI Forum on religious liberty.

Sam Brownback served as governor of Kansas, represented the people of Kansas in the U.S. House & Senate during President Trump’s administration, served as the U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, and is currently the chairman for the National Committee for Religious Freedom.… Continue Reading

The Far Left’s Slander Machine

Written by David E. Smith

We’ve all heard the story of “the boy who cried wolf,” but perhaps the modern version should be about “the organization that cried hater.”

The far left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has forged a reputation as a nationally outspoken advocate against “hate groups.” Founded in 1971 and based in Montgomery, Alabama, the SPLC is no stranger to controversy.  The group has long been accused of targeting conservative and Christian organizations.… Continue Reading