Category: LGBTQ Agenda

Today’s Religion of Wokeism Ignores Logic, Science And Reason

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Two weeks ago, on May 8, 2021, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) became the first mainline Protestant denomination to elect a transgender bishop.

The Rev. Megan Rohrer, a female who insists on using the pronouns “he” and “him,” was elected to serve as the leader of the Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA, by a vote 209 yeas to 207 nays. Rohrer will be installed on September 11 at St.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Laurie Higgins on “The Transing of Public Schools”

Written by Benjamin Smith

On this edition of Spotlight, Laurie Higgins joins Jim Schneider, host of VCY America’s CrossTalk program, for a lively discussion of the ubiquitous indoctrination agenda in our nation’s government schools. Laurie’s experience as an educator and, for the past thirteen years, IFI’s cultural affairs writer has given her valuable insight on the small, subtle, incremental steps that have led public schools away from focusing on academic instruction to prioritizing social and sexual indoctrination.… Continue Reading

Why Conservatives Should Not Support ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner For Governor

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Caitlyn” (aka Bruce) Jenner has announced his candidacy for governor of California. The question is should conservatives support him? After all, Jenner stands for lower taxes, common-sense border security, and less government intrusion in our daily lives. Surely this would be better than the tyrannical rule of Gavin Newsom, wouldn’t it?

The answer, in a word, is no, and the simple reason is, likewise, one word — priorities.… Continue Reading

Why Compromising With The Equality Act Falls Short

Written by John Stonestreet and Timothy D. Padgett

The most recent incarnation of the Equality Act is also the most radical version we have yet seen. It’s worth noting as well that it’s closer to becoming law than any version so far put forward.

As a friend of mine would say, this isn’t magic; it’s math. This Congressional term, the Equality Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Though unlikely at this point, a 50-50 tie in the Senate broken by a Democratic White House is feasible, making the Equality Act a live option.

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Exposing The Left’s Radical Version of ‘Normal’

Written by Robert Knight

Given the level of insanity erupting at all levels in America, it wasn’t really a shock when the huge, multinational corporation Unilever announced in early March that it was pulling the word “normal” from at least half of its products.

No more soap for “normal skin care,” or shampoo for “normal hair.” It’s offensive.

A global study by Unilever found that the word “normal” made 56 percent of the respondents feel excluded and that 70 percent felt that using the word on packaging has a negative impact on people.… Continue Reading

The Equality Act And The Abolition Of Women

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

On Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Equality Act by a vote of 224-206.

Proponents of the legislation, such as U.S. Representative David Cicilline, Rhode Island Democrat, declared, “Every American deserves respect and dignity and [this is why it’s] important that the Equality Act become law …”

But here’s the thing: He’s lying. And so is every single Democrat who aligns with him and parrots this deceptive blather.… Continue Reading

Democrats’ Rule: Bow Before Them or Burn

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

The year 2021 is hardly out of diapers, and the words of the Old Testament prophet echo through our streets:

“Woe to those who draw iniquity with the cords of falsehood … who call evil good and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight …  Woe unto those who take away the rights of the ones who are in the right!”

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SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Gagnon – “Making the Christian Case Against Homosexuality”

Written by David E. Smith

Making the Christian case against homosexuality has always been a great challenge in our engagement with the world, going all the way back to Genesis and the account of Sodom and Gomorrah. The biblical opposition to homosexual practice is especially relevant in light of the new ruling by Circuit Judge Britt Grant of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals regarding “reparative therapy,” whereby individuals with homosexual attractions willingly seek out pastoral or professional counseling to help them fight that specific sin.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: LaBarbera on the Biden-Harris Administration Threat

Written by David E. Smith

This week’s Spotlight features Monte Larrick’s conversation with our friend Peter LaBarbera, Executive Director of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality. Monte and Peter discuss the Biden-Harris administration’s top priorities: advancing gay and transgender rights and passing the Equality Act, or in Peter’s words, the Criminalizing Christianity Act. They examine ways in which the “legal sledgehammer” of this act could affect churches’ and faith-based schools’ hiring practices, as well as possible changes we might experience on a state level.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: What’s At Stake For Believers In the 2020 Election

Written by David E. Smith

Difficult questions deserve wise, well-reasoned, and truthful answers. During the Q&A session of the 2020 IFI Worldview Conference, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Robert Gagnon provided just such answers to some tough questions. Drawing from the authority of Scripture and their areas of expertise, Drs. Brown and Gagnon addressed queries regarding pro-life activism, freedom of speech and religious freedom, the Equality Act, homosexuality and transgenderism issues, and the implications for Christians in the upcoming election.… Continue Reading