Category: Voter Integrity

Bank Your Vote or Go For Broke?

Written by Nancy Hayes

Republicans’ new idea for winning the upcoming 2024 election is a nationwide campaign they’re calling “Bank Your Vote,” a Republican National Committee (RNC) strategy that is trickling back to the GOP in the states, including in Illinois.

The gist of it is, that local GOP officials are encouraging Republicans to vote early in 2024. The campaign is meant to maximize pre-Election Day voting through in-person voting, absentee voting, and ballot harvesting where legal.… Continue Reading

The Russia Collusion Hoax

Written by Michael Barone

The report of special counsel John Durham is, or ought to be, devastating for anyone who has put any credence in what has now been definitively revealed to be the Russia collusion hoax.

With a painstaking examination of the evidence (1,753 footnotes!), Durham establishes conclusively that there was no basis for the FBI to have begun its Crossfire Hurricane investigation of ties between the Trump campaign and Russia in July 2016. The Bureau acted on “raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence” and without checking with intelligence entities.… Continue Reading

A Fight For Our First Amendment Rights!

Written by Nancy Hayes

The RESTRICT ACT combined with Albert Sensors….What could possibly go wrong?

Most of us remember this famous Ronald Reagan quote: “The most horrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.

Unfortunately, the government doesn’t always tell us what we SHOULD know, but rather what they THINK we should know or what they WANT us to hear.


Ranked Choice Voting Will Exasperate Our “Crisis of Confidence”

Written by Carol Davis

Among many Americans, there is a “crisis of confidence” in our nation’s election processes and procedures. The myriad of problems that have been exposed in recent election cycles have only added to that crisis. How can we encourage Americans to continue to cast their ballots if they think their votes don’t count? As someone who has been both on the frontlines and behind the scenes in America’s elections for over a decade, I’m grateful to say I’m more encouraged now than ever.… Continue Reading

‘Great Unifier’ Biden Tells Half The Country To Go To Hell

Written by Robert Knight

President Biden went down to Georgia on Tuesday, following a trail blazed by the devil.

Bemoaning Georgia’s new election law, which is less strict than that of Mr. Biden’s Delaware or Elizabeth Warren’s Massachusetts, Mr. Biden played a tune hatched in hell, the kind of stuff that stokes a civil war, not healing.

Mr. Biden, who earlier called “white nationalists” the greatest security threat facing America, went full demagogue at an Atlanta college: “I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and, yes, domestic.”… Continue Reading

Texas Audit Finds Over 11,000 Potential Noncitizens Registered to Vote, Other Problems

Written by Darlene McCormick Sanchez

Voting irregularities—including potentially thousands of votes cast by noncitizens and dead people—were reported during the first phase of the Texas secretary of state’s forensic audit of the 2020 general election, but critics deemed it more of a risk-limiting audit at this point.

The secretary of state’s office released its findings on Dec. 31; the issues found aren’t enough to significantly affect 2020 election results of the four counties involved in the audit—Collin, Dallas, Harris, and Tarrant counties—which account for about 10 million people, or a third of Texas’s population.… Continue Reading