Category: Federal Issues

It’s Time to Call out the Left’s Hypocrisy


Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Please allow me a moment to vent.

I assure you that it will be controlled venting, without vitriol, hyperbole, or vindictiveness.

But venting it will be. Shall we call it holy venting?

Perhaps it will also reflect some of the holy frustration in your own heart.

But first, some caveats.

I do understand why many Americans are deeply upset with Donald Trump’s election, and up until election day, I said that I respected those who could not vote for him, urging them instead not to vote for Hillary.… Continue Reading

8 Instances of Voter Fraud in 2016, and It’s Not Even Election Day Yet

Written by Fred Lucas

In just the last week, prosecutors pursued three voter fraud-related charges in three major battleground states—Florida, Iowa, and Virginia.

Numerous other election irregularities such as voting beyond the grave, voting more than once, voting without citizenship, and registrations by nonexistent people have occurred throughout 2016. While some cases have been prosecuted, others were discovered through various news reports.

Here’s a sampling of election irregularities that have already taken place well in advance of Nov.… Continue Reading

WikiLeaks: Damning Evidence That Obama LIED About Hillary’s Server

Written by Amanda Prestigiacomo

On March 7, 2015, President Barack Obama looked the American people in the eye and assured them that he had no prior knowledge of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s private email server before news hit, telling CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante that he learned about his former secretary of state’s private server “[t]he same time everybody else learned it through news reports.”

The recent WikiLeaks release of Hillary campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails suggests otherwise. … Continue Reading

Emails Revealed: Anti-Catholic and Anti-Evangelical Bigotry


Written by John Biver

Wikileaks has made a large contribution to the information war this election season.

The much admired Princeton Professor Robert George had this to say about the recently revealed emails from Wikileaks:

…I can’t say I’m surprised by the noxious anti-Catholic bigotry contained in emails exchanged between leading progressives, Democrats and Hillary Clinton operatives. These WikiLeaks-published emails confirm what has been evident for years. Many elites, having embraced secular progressivism as not merely a political view but a religion, loathe traditional faiths that refuse to yield to its dogmas.

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Lawlessness From the Top


Written by Robert Knight

Corruption and abuses of power by America’s ruling class are becoming such everyday occurrences that they leave one wondering if there is any bottom to it.

No matter how outrageous the power overreach, it just keeps happening without apparent consequences to the guilty.

Several years ago, we learned that the Barack Obama administration had transformed the Internal Revenue Service into a wrecking ball against the tea parties and other conservative groups. Congress held hearings, vowing to punish the guilty.… Continue Reading

Huma Abedin’s Ties to the Muslim Brotherhood


Written by Kenneth R. Timmerman

The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

The New York Post ran a detailed investigative piece over the weekend about Ms. Abedin’s work at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1995 through 2008, a Sharia law journal whose editor in chief was Abedin’s own mother.… Continue Reading

U.S. Election Driving New Immigration Crisis


Written by Pete Kasperwoicz

The new surge of illegal immigration at the southern border is being driven by the U.S. election and the related debate over whether to ease or tighten immigration laws, according to representatives of border agents and border-state sheriffs.

The last few months have seen a dramatic rise in apprehensions of illegal immigrants, on a scale that rivals 2014, when members of both parties agreed it became a humanitarian crisis. That crisis abated in 2015, but the numbers have spiked again, and federal officials have mostly been silent on why.… Continue Reading

Americans Tilt Toward View That Government Is Doing Too Much


Written by Frank Newport

One of the fundamental questions that have divided the U.S. this election year — and, in fact, since its founding 240 years ago — concerns the appropriate role of the federal government. A new update of a longstanding Gallup trend shows that Americans continue to favor a smaller role for government, with 54% saying the government is attempting to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses, and 41% saying it should do more to solve the country’s problems.… Continue Reading

This Refugee Bill Could Win Republicans the Election…


Written by Daniel Horowitz

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. (F, 53%) has made it clear that if voters reelect his party, he will promote jailbreak legislation, the biggest priority of George Soros. Imagine if his party would instead run on protecting the security and sovereignty of the people by returning to the states the power over refugee resettlement?

Now, U.S. Representative Scott Perry, R-Pa. (C, 76%) has a bill to do just that.… Continue Reading

How a President’s Bad Judicial Appointments Threaten Your Liberty

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When Americans cast their ballots for the next president this November, they will not only select the next commander in chief and primary enforcer of the law, they will help select a new Supreme Court justice and countless other lower court judges.

Selecting judges is not an ancillary responsibility — it is a central and critical duty, with long-lasting effects. Indeed, half of the current Supreme Court justices were appointed more than 20 years ago.… Continue Reading