Category: Federal Issues


Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this episode of Spotlight, Monte Larrick and David Smith sit down with Dr. Mark Zumhagen, MD, to discuss the resurgence of COVID-19.

Dr. Zumhagen has been practicing family medicine since 1986. In 2009, he opened his private, holistic practice in Orland Park called Fearfully and Wonderfully Made with the mission of re-activating “the body’s own healing ability that God put in there.”

In this episode, Dr. Zumhagen discusses the banning of Ivermectin, the outlawed use of Hydroxychloroquine, the emergency use of the vaccine, and the side effects of this experimental vaccine.… Continue Reading

“Untenable” Immigrant Crisis Created by Democrats

Written by David E. Smith

Democrat Governor JB Pritzker recently sent a three-page letter to Democrat President Joe Biden complaining about the so-called “asylum seekers” and “refugees” being bussed to Chicago from Texas. However, the majority of immigrants breaking our federal laws are not refugees seeking asylum. Most are impoverished foreigners who are seeking the American dream and job opportunities.

And with our open border, who could blame them?

The U.S. already has a generous immigration policy to assimilate good people from around the world.… Continue Reading

The Audacity of Fear: Obama Gives Young People Horrible Life Advice

Written by Peter Heck

It was always one of the most frustrating aspects of Barack Obama‘s rise to power. While the famous keynote speech he delivered at the 2004 Democratic National Convention catapulted him to fame, the rhetoric he used there was a startling departure from his previously established reputation as an instigator and agitator.

Obama cut his teeth in the dirty arena of corrupt Chicago politics, having learned the duplicitous art of “community organizing” from some of the most notorious theorists (Saul Alinsky), and even criminal mentors (Bill Ayers).… Continue Reading

The Secure the Border Act

Written by David E. Smith

The border between the United States and Mexico is approximately 1,954 miles long, and while much of the border is secured, there are large portions where it remains wide open for illegal immigration, smuggling, and trafficking.  When Joe Biden came into office, he inherited the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years. Instead of following the successful policies of the Trump administration, he implemented three major changes that have resulted in a tsunami of migrants coming over the border:

  • The first week in office Biden immediately halted construction of the border wall.
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‘No Evidence’ of Joe Biden Being Involved in the Family Business Keeps Piling Up

Written by David Harsanyi

Joe Biden defenders have been on a wild ride this past year. It began with them arguing that the president knew absolutely nothing about his family’s influence-peddling business to arguing that it’s no big deal that Chicom wire payoffs happen to have Biden’s home address listed on them.

The quality of the excuses, unsurprisingly, has been deteriorating rapidly. They largely entail repeating the words “no” and “evidence” in a perpetual loop. But, this week, when James Comer released financial records of Hunter Biden receiving two wire transfers totaling $260,000 in 2019 from Beijing with the president’s Delaware home listed as the beneficiary address, the White House jumped into action.… Continue Reading

Texas Southern Border is Being Invaded

Written by Chris Johnson

Texas’ southern border is being invaded.

That’s not me being hyperbolic, it’s the official state of the state since Governor Greg Abbott invoked Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution to defend against Mexican drug cartels crossing into the country over his state line.

“The federal government’s failure has forced me to invoke Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, thereby enabling the State of Texas to protect its own territory against invasion by the Mexican drug cartels,” Abbott said in a letter to President Biden. … Continue Reading

The Public Health Emergency The Left Won’t Declare

Written by Daniel Horowitz

We were told in 2020 that our life, liberty, and property — up to and including our right to breathe freely — were subservient to the government’s capricious invocation of public health needs. As such, under the guise of stopping a virus, state governments were able to mask children for two years, shut down businesses and churches, and even place travel bans on Americans from other states.

Now officials want to use these emergency powers for global warming and, as we saw in New Mexico last week, for gun control.… Continue Reading

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) Gives Blunt Warning to Establishment Republicans

Written by David E. Smith

The U.S. Congress is back in Washington D.C. after its August recess. Funding the swamp is front and center on the agenda, with current appropriations set to expire September 30.

The U.S. House Freedom Caucus has made it perfectly clear: they will not support extending the existing budget unless it includes the U.S. House-passed border security bill and makes reforms to the Justice Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Pentagon.

In the video interview below, U.S.… Continue Reading

The Open Border Reveals Our Backward Homeland Security Mentality 22 Years After 9/11

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The central lesson of 9/11 is that we had too many dangerous people who should never have been in the country who were able to operate and plot evil acts undetected. We needed to focus on our own border and immigration system rather than saving the world. Yet we did the exact opposite. We squandered two decades refereeing Sunni-Shia civil wars and then bringing in dangerous people from both sides of them.… Continue Reading

“Rigged” Election Claims
Trump 2020 vs Clinton 2016

Written by David E. Smith

“Donald Trump threatened democracy by casting doubt on the results of the election.” Sound familiar? It should; seeing as how the mainstream media trumpeted it from the rooftops during the tumultuous aftermath of the 2020 election.

“Hillary Clinton threatened democracy by casting doubt on the results of the election.” Sound familiar? Probably not. The mainstream media has generally avoided drawing similar horrendous implications from similar election-doubting statements—when Clinton or other left-leaning politicians and media were the ones speaking.… Continue Reading