Category: Faith & Religion

Are Conservative Christians Too Political?

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

This past week, as we watched the unfolding stories of illegal immigrants beating police in New York, chaos on our southern border, and the Middle East teetering on the edge of World War III, one of the most insidious bits of news that might have escaped your attention is called “the after party.”

What is this “after party,” you ask? It’s a curriculum funded by Democratic billionaires that “evangelicals” such as David French and Russell Moore are promoting in churches across the country.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Encouragement from Joe Schiedler

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight features the legacy of Joe Schiedler, who passed away at the age of 93.

Joe Schiedler leaves a 50 year legacy of peaceful, pro-life activism that took him around the nation and the world. Schiedler and his wife, Anne, co-founded the Chicago based Pro-Life Action League, and he authored Closed: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion and Racketeer for Life.

Back in 2017, IFI hosted a Pro-Life Forum where Joe Schiedler reflected on his work and his calling in the pro-life movement.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Christians, Politics & A Springfield Update

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight the IFI Forum for pastors & leaders, hosted by the Spirit of Liberty Church of God in Markham, IL.

In the first segment of this episode, IFI’s Executive Director, David Smith, explains why Christians should be active in politics, public policies, and the 40 Days for Life campaigns that operate outside of abortion facilities. In his speech, David Smith emphasizes the first three words of the Constitution: “We the people…”

We have lots of opportunities as American citizens.

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Creation or Chaos? It’s Up to You to Decide Come November

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Creatio ex nihilo is a Latin phrase used to describe a central theological point of Christianity. It’s an axiom that captures the first event of Genesis: “In the beginning, God created.”

It says it is God and God alone who can take nothing and turn it into something. He’s the one who sets the field and draws the boundaries. He’s the one who puts the goals in place. He is responsible for the rules and the definitions.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Hope in Chicago

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This episode of Spotlight features Pastor Charles Moodie’s speech given at the Foundations of Faith and Family Conference.

Charles Moodie is the pastor of Chicago City Life Center church, and congregation is deeply involved in outreach ministries within Englewood. Currently, Pastor Moodie is building a Crisis Pregnancy Care Center in Englewood. The purpose of this Pregnancy Center is to provide pregnancy support for women dealing with unexpected pregnancies, family support through counseling, and transitional support through offering classes.… Continue Reading

You Won’t Believe What Crete Officials Are Planning!

Written by David E. Smith

I am very disappointed to have to send this email alert to you today, but you need to know what is going on in our village. Crete Village Trustee Katrina Seifert recently proposed updating the Village seal, thinking it would help bring people and businesses into our community.

Thankfully, Trustees Steve Bruns and Steve Johnson voted against making a change to the village seal.

At the January 8th meeting, Trustee Seifert presented the new village seal.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Springfield Update with David Curtin

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

In this edition of Spotlight, David Curtin, IFI’s Illinois General Assembly Lobbyist, gives insight into the coming legislative session.

One piece of legislation that is likely coming to Illinois is Assisted Suicide. Medical Aid in Dying, or Assisted Suicide, is authorized in states such as Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont, California, Colorado, Washington D.C., Hawaii, New Jersey, Main, and New Mexico.

According to the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine,

Excellent medical care, including state-of-the art palliative care, can address and help alleviate many sources of suffering.

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Compromise Isn’t The Great Commission

Written by Peter Heck

It was several years ago that in preparing a speech for an upcoming event, I flipped on the local evening news.

The first story of the night was a double homicide on the city’s northeast side. The second story was that police feared a serial rapist had struck again. The third story involved a string of armed robberies. And then it happened: The anchors turned to the fourth item on their laundry list of bad news, and detailed the removal of the Ten Commandments display at the local courthouse following a legal challenge.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Sanity As Insurrection

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This Episode of Spotlight features an address given by Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho.

Not only is Pastor Wilson the Pastor of Christ Church, but he is also a senior fellow of theology at New St. Andrews College in Moscow and is the author of several books including Rules for Reformers, Mere Christendom, and Future Men. He is also the Proprietor of Blog & Mablog, a website that is dedicated to satirical cultural commentary.… Continue Reading

Behold the Man: It is Christ or Nothing

Written by Rev. Thorin Anderson

I understand that average Americans travel as many miles each year as their great grandparents did in their lifetimes, largely thanks to a man named Henry Ford.  The free world owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Ford because he radically altered life experiences for millions, making it possible for average citizens to travel to places they would never see otherwise. Being able to afford an automobile has made us all more free.… Continue Reading