Posts tagged: Ted Cruz

Yes, It Was a Ransom Payment

Written by Andrew C. McCarthy
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Why Political Campaigns Get Bitter


Written by Bryan Fischer

One of the hallmarks of political campaigns in American history is that they are often nasty, brutish, and long. And they have been since the beginning.

The contest between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams in the 1800 presidential election, for instance, was a bitter affair, and resulted in a breach between these two statesmen that wasn’t healed for two decades. And virtually every campaign since has been filled with acrimony and insult and vituperation.… Continue Reading

Drafting Women is Not Only Immoral, It is Disruptive

Written by Daniel Horowitz

The state of the U.S. military readiness has been debated a lot recently while the U.S. Senate considers the law that specifies the budget for the Department of Defense for each fiscal year, also known as the National Defense Authorization Act or NDAA.  We’ve discussed several of those important questions and will follow up in subsequent articles on what is missing from the debate over the military and national defense.  For now I want to focus on the most egregious provision: including women in Selective Service, which can lead to a mandatory draft.… Continue Reading

Hillary’s Secret Garden Poisons Millennials


Written by Katie Kieffer

Hillary Clinton is working alongside billionaire Tom Steyer to sow a garden of climate change paranoia. Clinton is scaring young voters into supporting her campaign by leading them to believe that a Republican president will unleash a climate apocalypse.

Calling Millennial voters the 2016 presidential election’s “biggest cohort,” Steyer announced his plan last month to inject $25 million into targeting young voters. Specifically, Steyer will allocate millions toward an aggressive ground campaign based on climate alarmism.… Continue Reading

Which Candidate Will Protect Our Daughters?


Written by Bryan Fischer

An O’Fallon, Missouri man was arrested on April 23 after allegedly secretly filming women in a Target dressing room.

Matthew Foerstel, 26, faces felony charges for invasion of privacy in the second degree and unlawful possession of a firearm.

The Brentwood Police Department arrested Foerstel on April 23 after he allegedly held a camera phone under a dressing room door while a female shopper tried on swim suits at the Target store in Brentwood.… Continue Reading

It’s Time for Hillary Clinton to Tell the Truth About Her Abortion Views


Written by Mary Powers

It looks like the Republican candidates were right all along.

During a February debate in New Hampshire, U. S. Senator Marco Rubio called out the mainstream media for not asking the Democratic candidates about their positions on abortion. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, too, has consistently talked about Secretary Hillary Clinton’s extreme stances on the issue. Two months later, while vying for New York’s vote, Clinton decided it was time to bring out her favorite issue—abortion—and call out the media for not asking her about it in debates (town halls don’t count apparently).… Continue Reading

Cruz Defends North Carolina from Trump


Written by Maggie Gallagher

With the Left attacking North Carolina as if it were, oh say, Saudi Arabia for wanting to protect the privacy rights of women in bathrooms and locker rooms, The Donald ran for cover (as I reported).

Guess who is running towards the good people of North Carolina and common sense values? Lion Ted:

“There have been very few complaints the way it is,” Trump told The Today Show. “People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate, there has been so little trouble.”

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GOP Primary Process Rigged


Written by Daren Jonescu

One predictable element of the current Republican primaries is that each time Donald Trump‘s supposed inevitability is challenged, he will tell you it is because the process is unfair. He, his official spokesmen, his “unofficial” enforcers, his sycophantic “conservative media” surrogates, and his hornet’s nest of online commenters, consistently greet any momentary setback with a cacophonous chorus of “rigged,” “stolen,” and above all “unfair.”

To be fair to Trump, it is true that life really is unfair sometimes.… Continue Reading

Kasich: I ‘Probably’ Wouldn’t Sign Bill Keeping Men Out of Women’s Restrooms


Written by Ben Johnson

John Kasich said on Sunday that he would “probably not” sign a bill preventing biological males from using women’s restrooms, locker rooms, and showers – and those who are hung up on the issue should “take a deep breath,” “chill out,” and “get over it.”

Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson ended his interview with the the Ohio governor and presidential hopeful by asking if Kasich would sign a bill similar to the one enacted by North Carolina Gov.Continue Reading

Obama’s Unacceptable Love Affair With Communism


Written by David Limbaugh

Conservatives and other Barack Obama critics are entitled to a big “I told you so,” after Obama’s stunning admission that he doesn’t believe there’s that much difference between communism and capitalism.

Actually, it’s not that stunning to people paying attention. Many of us warned about Obama’s Marxist sympathies before he was first elected president, and we’ve repeatedly pointed it out during his presidency. Obama was raised and mentored by communists and spent many years engaged in community organizing (radical leftist activism).… Continue Reading