Posts tagged: Sexuality

SPOTLIGHT: Love Thy Body

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

This special episode of Spotlight features Nancy Pearcey’s presentation at the 2023 Worldview Conference based on her bestselling, critically acclaimed book, Love Thy Body.

Nancy Pearcey is an Apologetics Professor and scholar at Houston Christian University. She is dedicated to bringing a biblical worldview to cultural issues such as gender, transgenderism, abortion, masculinity, agnosticism, and more.

“If there is no God…, there is no meaning to life.”

This is an incredible presentation you don’t want to miss.… Continue Reading

Conservatives Hit With Massive Legal Judgments for Exercising Free Speech

Written by Robert Knight

Recent events give new meaning to the term “trumped-up charges.”

A Democratic New York State Supreme Court justice, in cahoots with a Democratic state attorney general, has written a new chapter in the book of political lawfare.

With no victims, no client complaints and no evidence of fraud, Judge Arthur Engoron nonetheless levied a $354 million fine against former President Donald Trump for the crime of doing business in the Democratic jurisdiction of New York.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Dave’s Banquet Exhortation

Written by Alyssa Sonnenburg

The first segment of this episode of Spotlight features remarks made by IFI’s Executive Director David Smith at the annual banquet. The second segment features a Q & A time with Eric Metaxas. You will love how he answers some pressing questions from notable Illinois pastors.

Though our present situation in Illinois celebrates radical abortion policies, an “untenable” immigration crisis, foolish gender confusion and sex-education in our government schools, Dave has encouraging words for his audience:

“Be encouraged.

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SPOTLIGHT: What’s At Stake For Believers In the 2020 Election

Written by David E. Smith

Difficult questions deserve wise, well-reasoned, and truthful answers. During the Q&A session of the 2020 IFI Worldview Conference, Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Robert Gagnon provided just such answers to some tough questions. Drawing from the authority of Scripture and their areas of expertise, Drs. Brown and Gagnon addressed queries regarding pro-life activism, freedom of speech and religious freedom, the Equality Act, homosexuality and transgenderism issues, and the implications for Christians in the upcoming election.… Continue Reading

“Is Polyamory or Pedophilia Next?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #161)

This edition of spotlight features a Laurie Higgins appearance on Jim Schneider’s Voice of Christian Youth (VCY) America program, Crosstalk.

They discuss the present-day radical anti-science sexual revolution heavily promoted by the National Education Association and division 44 at the American Psychological Association, the rising normalization of non-monogamous relationships, the absence of an alternate perspective in public schools, some extremely Leftist business items passed by the NEA at their most recent convention, and a new Leftist term: white fragility.… Continue Reading

The True Bradley ‘Chelsea’ Manning Story is Stranger Than Fiction

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Imagine this scenario for a moment. You are a budding novelist, and you present a new proposal to your agent. The agent looks it over and sends it back, assuring you no publisher would ever go for it. “It’s just too far-fetched,” you are told. “Best to go back to the drawing board.”

What was the scenario you concocted? It went like this.

The Plot

There was a gay private in the army who gained access to a cachet of nearly one million secret military documents.… Continue Reading