Written by Robert Knight
Here in the DC Swamp, local Democrats are rattling the cage for statehood. They want to make the 61.4-square-mile District of Columbia the 51stState, right up there with Virginia, Alaska and California. Even the smallest state, Rhode Island, has 1,212 square miles, about half the size of Joe Biden’s Delaware.
Politically speaking, statehood is not going to happen. D.C. is unique by design. And, the rest of the nation, or at least half of it, wouldn’t be keen on adding two more guaranteed socialists to the U.S.… Continue Reading
Tags: Al Franken, Brandon Todd, Catholic Charities, David Grosso, District of Columbia, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Nicolas Maduro, Norm Coleman, Robert Knight, Robert White
Federal Issues | David E. Smith | June 12, 2019 6:35 AM | Comments Off on When One Party Runs It All
Written by Robert Knight
To say the Left in America has gone off the rails is like saying the Super Bowl is a fairly popular football game.
It’s hard to keep up with the tsunami of cultural and economic insanity thundering through a thousand outlets every day, but here’s a try. You thought Vermont’s Democratic Socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was radical? Current Democratic leaders start with his views and go further left.
U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi mocks the idea of securing America’s southern border as something only a bigot like President Trump would want. … Continue Reading
Tags: Amanda Arnold Sansone, Andrew Cuomo, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Democratic Socialism, Drag Queen Story Hours, Elizabeth Warren, Green New Deal, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Kamala Harris, Karl Marx, Kermit Gosnell, Larry O’Connor, Liz Chene, Nancy Pelosi, Ralph Northam, Robert Knight, Sexual Orientation Change Effort
Federal Issues | David E. Smith | February 7, 2019 11:00 AM | Comments Off on The Left’s Growing Record of Insanity
Written by Robert Knight
One thing the election reinforced is that “tolerance” is the last thing progressives actually want.
The vitriol-laden media coverage, student demonstrations and other forms of protest against the incoming Trump administration are ample evidence.
To which I say, mug them again.
Tolerance, properly understood, is a wonderful virtue. The progressive version, however is a weapon to intimidate and silence opponents. With enough shaming, people would not dare to buck their betters, even in the privacy of the voting booth.… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Knight
Corruption and abuses of power by America’s ruling class are becoming such everyday occurrences that they leave one wondering if there is any bottom to it.
No matter how outrageous the power overreach, it just keeps happening without apparent consequences to the guilty.
Several years ago, we learned that the Barack Obama administration had transformed the Internal Revenue Service into a wrecking ball against the tea parties and other conservative groups. Congress held hearings, vowing to punish the guilty.… Continue Reading
Written by Robert Knight
Socialism is still in vogue, regardless of its sorry record all over the world for the last century. The Free Stuff Army is on the march, especially in the United States.
There’s something about deploying the government as a mugger to obtain the fruits of someone else’s labor that appeals to the worst in us. But it invariably leads to poverty, dishonesty and even tyranny.
Years ago, I visited Jamaica when it was under a socialist government. … Continue Reading
Tags: C.S. Lewis, Engels, George Washington, J.D. Unwin, Marx, Robert Knight, Rousseau, Sex and Culture, Socialism, Thomas Sowell, Yogi Berra
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith | September 14, 2016 4:00 AM | Comments Off on Liberals’ Memories Are Very “Fuzzy”
Written by Robert Knight
The whole idea of truth is getting an overhaul.
It’s not just the rise of moral and cultural relativism that is turning public dialogue into dueling monologues as people talk past each other; it’s a growing belief that truth no longer matters – only cause and effect.
For example, the media are not content to let Donald Trump’s provocative statements speak for themselves; they are pulling out all stops to magnify outrage for partisan purposes.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Benghazi, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Rodham, Humayan Khan, James Comey, Khizr Khan, Lee Duigon, Lena Dunham, Michael Brown, Moammar Gaddafi, Robert Knight
Federal Elections, Media Watch, Political | David E. Smith | August 13, 2016 7:00 AM | Comments Off on When Lies Become Common Currency