Posts tagged: Rahm Emanuel

The Race for Chicago Mayor: Winter is Coming

Written by John Biver

Chicago is the city where I was born — and I remain proud of that fact, as many people hold an allegiance to where their roots were first planted.

Am I proud of Chicago’s murder rate that I just heard is larger than Los Angeles and New York City’s combined? No. Am I proud of the city’s reputation for political corruption dating back a century or more and is measured yearly by the number of public officials found guilty of crimes?… Continue Reading

Return of the Feckless Chick-Fil-A-Phobes

Written by Michelle Malkin

Move over, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Another unhinged liberal pathology is back:


Perhaps, in the interest of public health, the CDC should launch a weekly C-F-A-P surveillance report to map the recurrence of this culturally infectious disease. Early-onset symptoms include fear of pressure-cooked poultry, allergic reaction to waffle potato fries and an irrational hatred of cow costumes. Anti-Christian prejudice and coastal elitism are common comorbidities associated with this debilitating progressive condition.

Ground zero for the latest outbreak?… Continue Reading

Five Consequences of Illinois’ Bad Budget Deals

Written by Ted Dabrowski and John Klinger

Illinois politicians are notorious for making deals in the middle of a crisis that end up being good for the political establishment but destructive for Illinois residents and taxpayers. It’s no coincidence that the author of the famous quote “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste” – Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel – hails from Illinois.

Now Illinois is in the midst of its worst fiscal crisis ever, and yet another bad deal is on the horizon.… Continue Reading

“Freedom of Choice” Now Applies to Restrooms



Written by Russ Stewart

How does one tell the difference between gravity and frivolity? The Chicago City Council is a superb yardstick.

The agenda of the council’s June 22 meeting will ensure a descent into the abyss of frivolity and stupidity. At that session, the council is scheduled to address such momentous matters as transgender or any gender access to public restrooms, along with a mandated “poop patrol,” with a swarm of inspectors empowered to find dog droppings on private property, bag them, ascertain the DNA, do a dog swab, and levy a fine of $500.… Continue Reading

Chicago’s ‘Godfather’ Is Under the Gun

Tiny Dancer

Written by Robert Knight

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a longtime Clinton ally, is facing an insurrection over his handling of a white police officer’s shooting of a 17-year-old black youth on October 20, 2014.

Coalition for a New Chicago, a liberal pressure group, is calling for his resignation. The U.S. Justice Department announced a civil rights investigation on Dec. 8, and Democratic State Rep. La Shawn Ford has filed a bill in the Illinois legislature that would allow a mayoral recall election.… Continue Reading

Meet the Politicians Who Stand to Get Rich Off Of Chicago’s Massive Property Tax Hike

Written by Austin Berg

Chicago City Council passed the largest property-tax hike in modern city history by a vote of 36-14 on Oct. 28, approving Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s 2016 budget proposal.

The budget includes a $588 million property-tax hike to be phased in over the next four years.

In short: Chicagoans are likely to take a closer look at their upcoming tax bill, as homeowners and small-business owners will need to see just how large a hit their family’s bottom lines will take.… Continue Reading

MORE Taxes for Chicago… But It Is Still Not Enough


Written by David E. Smith

Earlier this week, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his minions in the Chicago City Council passed a massive tax hike that will COST most city homeowners $600-$800 MORE in taxes (maybe more) so that the Left’s BIG GOVERNMENT can continue to inefficiently flounder under one Party rule.  This tax increase is on top of the Cook County 1 percent sales tax hike that starts on Jan. 1, 2016.

Yes, I intended to say “flounder.” … Continue Reading

“Rahm Rejections” Was Epidemic In Chicago Vote


Written by Russ Strewart

“Not Rahm.” “Anybody But Rahm.” “Any Alderman Who Is Not A Stooge For Rahm.” Those were the clear victors in the Feb. 24 municipal election.

Chicago’s heretofore esteemed mayor, Rahm Emanuel, has been absolutely, totally, completely humiliated. His gargantuan ego has shriveled. The scope and size of his rejection is breathtaking.

Chicago has 1,421,430 registered voters and a population of 2,695,598. On Feb. 24 in the nonpartisan mayoral election, 472,126 people voted.… Continue Reading

Squabbling, Jockeying for Topinka’s Job


Written by Russ Stewart

Death can be extraordinarily beneficial to an ambitious politician. Death creates openings, and openings are opportunities.

The death of Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka creates a tantalizing opening. The question in political circles is, who gets her job, a caretaker or a keeper?

Having been re-elected to her second term on Nov. 4, Topinka’s death on Dec. 10 creates two thorny legal issues — who appoints her successor, and for what duration?… Continue Reading

November Election Result will be “UPS Moment”


Written by Russ Stewart

The Nov. 4 election, for Democratic politicians in Chicago, will be a “UPS moment.” Which committeemen among the 50 Chicago wards will deliver, and will their delivery be decisive and intimidating?

With Chicago politicians already heavily focused on the Feb. 24, 2015, municipal election, and those with statewide ambitions intensely pondering the state landscape for 2016 and 2018, the 2014 vote will, to use that old expression, “separate the men from the boys.”… Continue Reading