Posts tagged: Rahm Emanuel

“Untenable” Immigrant Crisis Created by Democrats

Written by David E. Smith

Democrat Governor JB Pritzker recently sent a three-page letter to Democrat President Joe Biden complaining about the so-called “asylum seekers” and “refugees” being bussed to Chicago from Texas. However, the majority of immigrants breaking our federal laws are not refugees seeking asylum. Most are impoverished foreigners who are seeking the American dream and job opportunities.

And with our open border, who could blame them?

The U.S. already has a generous immigration policy to assimilate good people from around the world.… Continue Reading

Chicago: Shrinks Will Answer 911 Calls. Cops Shoot Too Many Crazy People

Written by R. Cort Kirkwood

As Chicago braces for another weekend of wanton gunfire, mayhem, and murder, the city has announced that headshrinkers will answer 911 calls for “mental health emergencies.”

In other words, the Sun-Times reported, if someone calls 911 because his neighbor crows “I’m cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” in the wee, small hours every morning, a burly cop with a stun gun and a Glock 9mm might not be the right medicine.… Continue Reading

Stop Equating Socialized Healthcare With Compassion

Written by Peter Heck

For decades, there has been a mantra embraced and utilized by advocates of the nanny state everywhere: “never let a crisis go to waste.” History demonstrates that the masses are most willing to tolerate, if not welcome, the intrusion of big government into their lives when they are panicked, fearful, or impoverished. It’s one of the reasons why former President Eisenhower always argued that the best weapon against the advance of communism wasn’t a strong military, but a strong economy.… Continue Reading

Drafting Women Into the Army and More People Into Big Government

Written by Robert Knight

Don’t look now, but powerful forces are maneuvering to subject our daughters to the draft.  It’s part of the ongoing exploitation of the current crisis.  More about this below. Right now, our home-grown socialists are delighted that Uncle Sugar will be handing out checks to everybody under the sun as part of the $2 trillion stimulus package.And why shouldn’t they be? The socialist goal is to make everyone dependent on government, except for them.… Continue Reading

Mining a Crisis for Political Gold

Written by Robert Knight

“You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do things that you would otherwise avoid.”

So said former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was President Obama’s chief of staff and an astute practitioner of smashmouth politics.

It’s worth remembering this as the Democrats and their media do everything they can to hype the dangers of the Wuhan coronavirus.  Not that it isn’t deadly serious. It is.… Continue Reading

Socialist Wave Hits Chicago Municipal Elections

Written by Timothy J. Dailey

America’s third largest city could soon have a major socialist legislative block at a time when most American cities have not elected any socialist politicians for generations. Residents of the Windy City woke up Wednesday morning to a dramatic shift in the political landscape after Tuesday’s municipal elections, with at least three council seats won by socialist candidates. The Chicago Democratic Socialists of America (CDSA) and United Working Families (UWF)–once considered “fringe” political parties–have joined in an alliance with the city’s progressive unions to create a budding powerhouse that promises to make radical changes in the city.… Continue Reading

Chicago’s Clues for the 2020 Democrats

Written by Michael Barone

There was a record-sized field of candidates containing as many women as men. Their surnames ranged from the long familiar to the novel and exotic; they had multiple racial and ethnic backgrounds, and at least one gay candidate was in the running. This sounds like the ever-expanding list of candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, but it’s also a description of the field in last month’s primary election for mayor of Chicago.… Continue Reading

Left-Wing Mayor Wants to Trade Addictions for Revenue

Written by David E. Smith

Addictions to help mitigate decades of irresponsible political spending? It’s preposterous, but that is out-going left-wing Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s prescription to reduce (not solve) the nagging pension crisis.

Emanuel and others like him think that hooking Illinois citizens into vices like marijuana and casino gambling is a legitimate way to realize new revenue sources. Of course, ill-gotten gains from dope and gambling are inadequate in-and-of-themselves and require spendthrift politicians to increase our gasoline tax by 20-30 cent per gallon to feed their insatiable spending habits.… Continue Reading

The Race for Chicago Mayor: Winter is Coming

Written by John Biver

Chicago is the city where I was born — and I remain proud of that fact, as many people hold an allegiance to where their roots were first planted.

Am I proud of Chicago’s murder rate that I just heard is larger than Los Angeles and New York City’s combined? No. Am I proud of the city’s reputation for political corruption dating back a century or more and is measured yearly by the number of public officials found guilty of crimes?… Continue Reading

Return of the Feckless Chick-Fil-A-Phobes

Written by Michelle Malkin

Move over, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Another unhinged liberal pathology is back:


Perhaps, in the interest of public health, the CDC should launch a weekly C-F-A-P surveillance report to map the recurrence of this culturally infectious disease. Early-onset symptoms include fear of pressure-cooked poultry, allergic reaction to waffle potato fries and an irrational hatred of cow costumes. Anti-Christian prejudice and coastal elitism are common comorbidities associated with this debilitating progressive condition.

Ground zero for the latest outbreak?… Continue Reading