Posts tagged: Pew Research Center

Change That Just Might Kill Our Republic

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

As the United States approaches the 2024 presidential election, almost everyone agrees: We want change.

Poll after poll proves it.

The Pew Research Center reports that “two-thirds of Americans believe their political system needs major changes or needs to be completely reformed.” An NBC poll follows suit: “The debate over what kind of country the U.S. should become and how fast it should change has become a dominant theme at the national and state level.”… Continue Reading

Amendment 1 Proponents Tip Their Hand to Hidden Agenda in Chicago Tribune

Written by John Lopez

This article continues addressing a ballot measure that Illinois voters must vote on this election cycle.
We urge voters to reject Amendment 1, a constitutional amendment that
would elevate collective bargaining rights in the Illinois Constitution,
allowing government union contracts to override state law.

“Hundreds of trucks sit empty in California this week, exacerbating a supply chain crisis already driving the cost of food and goods for all Americans to new heights. 

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How Intensely Does the Leftwing Media Hate Trump?

Written by Dr. Michael L. Brown

I cannot prove this, but the caller to my radio show seemed totally credible. If what he said is true, then the animosity towards Donald Trump in leftwing circles is even more extreme than some of us would have believed. And that is saying a lot.

The caller, named Rob, from Tampa, Florida, said he had previously worked at an NBC News affiliate up north. (He didn’t want to give further details so as to be able to speak with total freedom.)… Continue Reading

Speech Police and ‘Safe Spaces’

Written by L. Brent Bosell III

Freedom of speech is in the First Amendment for a reason. Freedom begins with the ability to speak your opinion without fear of censorship or violent reprisal or imprisonment. This is a precious human right, not something that most countries in the world revere like we have. But here in America, free speech is most dangerously under attack in the one place you would not expect: the universities.

Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla have created a new documentary on the subject called “No Safe Spaces.”… Continue Reading

Leftist Media Shocked at Number of Latinos Voting GOP

Written by Michael F. Haverluck

The left-leaning MSNBC was amazed when a new survey revealed that a surprisingly large percentage of Hispanics voted for Republicans in November’s midterm election.

In fact, the survey conducted for The Associated Press by NORC at the University of Chicago divulged that nearly one in three of the 7,738 Latino voters surveyed casted their ballots for GOP candidates just over two years ago.

“In November’s elections, 32 percent of Latinos voted for Republicans, frustrating Democrats, according to AP VoteCast data,” The Associated Press (AP) announced in a report published by NBCNews.comContinue Reading

Americans Split on Whether Religious Freedom or LGBT Rights Are More Important

Image result for same sex wedding cake bakery

Written by Michael Gryboski

Americans are divided as to whether religious freedom or LGBT rights should be favored when the two concepts conflict with one another.

Recent findings from the Pew Research Center show the American public near evenly split on whether or not a business can refuse to service a same-sex wedding on religious grounds.

Out of a sample of about 4,500 adults, Pew found that 48 percent of respondents believed that businesses which provided wedding services should be allowed to refuse to service gay weddings if the owner has religious objections.… Continue Reading