Posts tagged: Pete Buttigieg

Lieutenant Colonel Pritzker Rejects His Sex and Political Affiliation

Written by Laurie Higgins

Lieutenant Colonel James Nicholas Pritzker—now known as “Jennifer Natalya” Pritzker—is trying to commandeer the Republican Party to serve the interests of the “trans” cult he officially joined in 2013.

A year ago Pritzker, a long-time RINO donor to GOP campaigns—often the campaigns of RINOs—who has the dubious distinction of being the world’s “only known trans billionaire,” threatened the GOP that if they didn’t climb aboard the “trans” train, he was piling all his buckets of ducats on it and chugging away.… Continue Reading

How Democrats Became Science Deniers

Written by Israel Wayne

2019 found the Democratic party in the United States trying to out-do each other in terms of how radical and progressive they could sound. On the issue of abortion, it seems that many leading Democrats have never found an unborn baby they aren’t willing to have killed.

Radical Pro-Abortion Democrats

New York U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), a professing Roman Catholic, states: “And let us not forget the guiding principle of ‘the least among us’ found in Matthew: that we are compelled to care for the hungry, thirsty, homeless, naked, sick and, yes—the imprisoned.”… Continue Reading

2020 Democrats Want Unsafe, Unregulated, Do-It-Yourself Abortions

Written by Patrina Mosley

In today’s Democratic Party, anything goes—from applauding parents who encourage their children to reject their God-given identity and mutilate their young bodies, to bizarrely championing “abortion rights for trans-females,” to now happily supporting the dangerous do-it-yourself abortion method known as the abortion pill.

When the New York Times surveyed the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, all of them (unsurprisingly) vowed to defend abortion. However, when asked if they were in favor of lifting the restrictions on abortion pills and making them available over-the-counter (OTC), many of the candidates were unwilling to take a public position.… Continue Reading

Christianity Today’s Call for Trump’s Removal

Written by Laurie Higgins

Mark Galli, editor-in-chief of the former evangelical flagship magazine Christianity Today (CT) wrote a stunning editorial calling for President Trump’s removal from office via either impeachment or the next election. While acknowledging that “Democrats have had it out for him from day one, and therefore nearly everything they do is under a cloud of partisan suspicion,” Galli remarkably asserts that the case for Trump’s removal by hook or crook is indisputable:

But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents.

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Pete Buttigieg’s Big Mistake: Telling the Truth

Written by Ben Shapiro

This week, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who has risen to the top of the heap in early Democratic presidential primary polling in Iowa and New Hampshire, came under serious sustained attack for the first time in his candidacy. Buttigieg’s early candidacy gained credibility thanks to the moderation he displayed compared with other Democrats. He quickly lost steam when he tacked to the left. Now Buttigieg has swiveled back toward the center, launching a series of assaults on the radical plans of U.S.… Continue Reading

Let’s Be Clear: What Pete Buttigieg Preaches Isn’t Christianity

Written by Peter Heck

I’m fine with the fact that I disagree with South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg on virtually every political issue. We can debate those.

Even though as a Hoosier myself, I am more intimately aware of the mismanaged manure pile his administration has produced, I know that can be endured and fixed.

I am annoyed by his politically-motivated doublespeak regarding Vice President Mike Pence – claiming a positive working relationship with the “nice” Vice President, before sharpening his tongue to stab him as a “fanatical” homophobe when it was expedient.… Continue Reading

Party of Progress
Lets Its Mask Slip

Written by Robert Knight

Things have come to a pretty pass when the most “moderate” Democratic presidential candidate wants to make history by bringing along a “first gentleman” instead of a first lady.

That’s where things stand after the latest Democratic debates, town halls and other glimpses into the bizarre strain in American politics known as progressivism.

The aforementioned “moderate” is Pete Buttigieg, the openly homosexual South Bend, Indiana, mayor whose legal spouse is a man.… Continue Reading

Interracial Violence

Written by Laurie Higgins

Parroting academicians in now-sullied Ivory Towers, Democratic scolds running for president have been lecturing Americans on the pervasiveness of the white scourge of “systemic racism.” Elizabeth Warren said, “Two sets of rules: one for white families. And one for everybody else. That’s how a rigged system works.” Joe Biden calls racism “overwhelmingly a white man’s problem visited on people of color” and “systematic racism…. [has] been built into every aspect of our system.”… Continue Reading

Denial of Reality Could Become a Democratic Campaign Slogan

Written by Dr. Everett Piper 

On Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump for allegedly asking the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden. U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy responded: “Facts be damned. Democrats are insisting this is their moment to impeach President Trump. Speaker Pelosi’s decree changes nothing.”

And, thus, without even intending it, Mr. McCarthy just stumbled into what will be the campaign slogan for the Democratic Party from now until November 2020.… Continue Reading

Buttigieg Distorts Logic and Scripture on Abortion

Written by David Limbaugh

Perhaps Mayor Pete Buttigieg would have a better shot at appealing to Christian voters if he would not go to such extreme lengths to contort Scripture to rationalize his party’s abominable stance on abortion.

The Democratic presidential candidate openly expresses his Christian faith and was the first candidate to hire a national faith outreach director. He believes political conservatism is less compatible with Christianity than political liberalism.

Buttigieg says the GOP likes “to cloak itself in their language of religion” and accuses Republicans of hypocrisy for their alleged callousness about family separations at the border.… Continue Reading