Written by Dr. Brian Joondeph
Repeal and replace. That was and still is the Donald Trump promise for Obamacare. Congressional Republicans are ready to join in. Not that they haven’t been trying for the past six years, with over 60 attempts at repeal at the congressional level, all quickly dispatched by the Obama veto pen.
Now that there is a new sheriff in town, the veto threat is gone. Repeal and replace may actually happen. What will it mean?… Continue Reading

Written by Daniel Horowitz
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc. (F, 53%) has made it clear that if voters reelect his party, he will promote jailbreak legislation, the biggest priority of George Soros. Imagine if his party would instead run on protecting the security and sovereignty of the people by returning to the states the power over refugee resettlement?
Now, U.S. Representative Scott Perry, R-Pa. (C, 76%) has a bill to do just that.… Continue Reading

Written by Paige Halper
In July 2015, The Center for Medical Progress began releasing videos that featured Planned Parenthood executives discussing fetal tissue sales.
The videos sparked so much public outrage, some in the pro-life movement, like House Speaker Paul Ryan, called for an end of Planned Parenthood’s government funding (the organization received $1.5 million in government grants in 2014).
But there’s one source of Planned Parenthood’s funding that never enters the conversation — a secret weapon since the beginning.… Continue Reading

Written by Luke Hamilton
It’s not difficult to imagine the heady excitement of a presidential election day which culminates in a victory rally for Donald Trump. The crisp November wind cutting through the crowd, which has huddled together to await The Donald’s speech. Barely-suppressed glee infuses the audience, as the realization that the reign of Barack Hussein Obama has ended, sets in. President-Elect Trump steps out on stage, his hair flapping in the breeze as if waving to the throng of supporters.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Hussein Obama, Chuck Schumer, Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly, Mike Huckabee, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin, Saul Alinsky, Ted Cruz
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
February 26, 2016 8:00 AM |
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Written by Linda Harvey
Suddenly, the left defends religious liberty. They are shocked, shocked that Donald Trump proposed limits on Muslim immigration to America.
But what about all those same-sex “wedding” cakes? What about the Kleins in Oregon – who are citizens, not immigrants – facing a fine of $135,000 because they believed Americans had a right to religious freedom? Where’s the outcry over jail cells for county clerks who have conscientious objections?
In a new campaign ad, Hillary Clinton tells America she doesn’t believe Christians have a right to refuse cakes to homosexual couples.… Continue Reading
Tags: Chris Christie, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Kim Davis, Mike Huckabee, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz
Federal Elections, Political, Religious Liberty | David E. Smith |
December 16, 2015 11:00 AM |
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Written by Ray Northstine
Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is the new GOP frontrunner in Iowa, according to a Monmouth University poll released Monday.
Cruz leads Trump 24 percent to 19 percent in Iowa, which holds its 2016 caucuses on February 1, 2016.
Monmouth noted that Cruz’s lead is the first time he has come out on top in any state polling for the 2016 election cycle.
However, A CNN/ORC poll released Monday, shows Trump still leading in Iowa with 33 percent support to Cruz’s 20 percent.
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Tags: Barack Obama, Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Monmouth University poll, Patrick Murray, Paul Ryan, Steve King, Ted Cruz
Federal Elections, Political | David E. Smith |
December 9, 2015 6:38 AM |
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Written by John Stemberger
If there is one man who can fundamentally reform the way the United States Congress does business, it is Dan Webster. Why? For the simple reason that we saw him do it in Florida. I have personally observed him in his role as a public servant for 32 years.
Before serving in Washington, D.C., Dan Webster served in the Florida Legislature for 28 years. He was in the Florida House of Representatives for 18 years and appointed by his colleagues to be Speaker.… Continue Reading

Written by Michael Medved
Hillary Clinton’s status as a wealthy celebrity will make it difficult for her to deploy the populist narrative that helped Democratic nominees win the popular vote in five out of the last six presidential elections. How can a woman who boasts a net worth of at least $21 million and hobnobs almost exclusively with well-heeled financial titans and movie stars, plausibly denounce Republicans as the party of the rapacious rich while portraying Democrats as defenders of the downtrodden?… Continue Reading
Tags: Al Gore, Barack Obama, Ben Carson, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, FDR, George W. Bush, Heidi Nelson Cruz, Hillary Clinton, JFK, John Kerry, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Rose Law Firm, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Teresa Heinz
Uncategorized | David E. Smith |
January 2, 2015 8:57 AM |
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