Written by Ben Voth
In 2015, something unexpected and unusual happened to the United States. For the first time since 1993, life expectancy in the United States declined. The decline was significant and extensive. Life expectancy is one of the most basic indicators of human health and the United States is one of the most advanced nations in the world. The decline should be causing a careful consideration of its causes and potential solutions. This is largely being ignored by our intellectual leadership for a rather obvious reason: the Affordable Care Act that promised to make health insurance more affordable and available for Americans.… Continue Reading
Written by Chris Iverson
We’re flooding U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger’s office in Washington D.C. with calls urging him to vote YES on the AHCA!
Call U.S. Representative Kinzinger at (202) 225-3635 and say:
“I want to urge Representative Kinzinger to vote YES on the AHCA!”
The AHCA will defund Planned Parenthood for one year, cutting 33 percent of their revenue! It can only defund the abortion clinic chain for one year due to Senate rules. This will be a major pro-life victory, but there are a handful of Republicans who have not committed to voting yes yet.… Continue Reading
Written by Joshua Denton
In a move vigorously applauded by social conservatives and simultaneously denounced by same-sex “marriage” advocates, President Donald Trump has appointed Roger Severino to head the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Civil Rights.
Severino formerly served as the Director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society. As Director, his three main focuses where on religious liberty, marriage, and life issues.
His track record of defending religious liberty, natural marriage, and the sanctity of life go further back then his time at the Heritage Foundation.… Continue Reading
Tags: abortion, ADF, Alliance Defending Freedom, David Daleiden, Donald Trump, education, Heritage Foundation, Jim Domen, John Geradi, Jonathan Keller, LGBTQ, marijuana, Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, religious freedom, religious liberty, Ricardo Lara, Roe v. Wade, Roger Serverino, SCOTUS, The Center for Medical Progress, Transgender
Federal Issues | David E. Smith | April 18, 2017 11:00 AM | Comments Off on Trump Picks Pro Life Heritage Foundation Alum to Lead HHS Civil Rights Office
Written by David E. Smith
Illinois families have been devastated by Obamacare through rising premiums and higher deductibles. In rural areas of our state, fewer insurers mean less competition and an increase in costs even as choice is limited.
Apparently, we must remind U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and the political leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives that the National Republican Platform calls for the repeal of Obamacare and that many Congressional Republicans ran on a platform of appealing this big government mandate and program.… Continue Reading
Written by Bryan Fisher
Well, now we know why the GOP establishment kept their ObamaCare replacement package locked in a room where not even GOP senators could read it. Everyone naturally wondered what they were hiding, and now we know. They were hiding it because it is a horrible, no good, very bad piece of legislation.
If it repeals ObamaCare in any meaningful sense (and it doesn’t), it only replaces it with something as bad if not worse.… Continue Reading
Written by Jon Schweppe
Generally, the first 50 days of the Trump Administration have been an absolute joy to watch. The media and the Left have been apoplectic as President Donald J. Trump largely honors his campaign promises and does exactly what he said he would do. Truthfully, Trump has been everything we hoped he would be and more.
Still, that’s not to say there haven’t been some disappointments. Here are four things I like and two things I dislike from the first 50 days:
Like: U.S.
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Tags: Antonin Scalia, Barack Obama, Betsy DeVos, Common Core, Donald J. Trump, fake news, George W. Bush, Hyde Amendment, Merrick Garland, Mexico City Policy, Neil Gorsuch, Obamacare, Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, Planned Parenthood, Trump Administration
Federal Issues | David E. Smith | March 13, 2017 7:02 AM | Comments Off on 4 Likes, 2 Dislikes from Trump’s First 50 Days
Written by Daniel Horowitz
This week, President Donald Trump fulfilled his promise to nominate a very qualified and intelligent conservative judge. Neil Gorsuch is likely a very good pick. However, given the past history, the enormous post-constitutional pressure even in some circles of the conservative legal movement, and so much terrible court precedent, it is yet to be determined if Gorsuch has the resolve to not get sucked into the swamp.
This point was best encapsulated in a statement from U.S.… Continue Reading
Tags: Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Donald Trump, Edith Jones, Janice Rogers Brown, Neil Gorsuch, Obamacare, Obergefell, Priscilla Owen, Roe v. Wade, Ron DeSantis, Samuel Alito, SCOTUS
Federal Issues | David E. Smith | February 2, 2017 7:10 AM | Comments Off on 7 Reasons Neil Gorsuch’s Nomination is Only the Beginning of Taking Back the Judiciary
Written by Joshua Withrow
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. (A, 92%) has been nothing if not vocal about his belief that a new set of health care reforms should be voted on at the same time as a repeal of Obamacare. This week, Sen. Paul has revealed his proposal to replace Obamacare, by introducing S. 222, the Obamacare Replacement Act.
His bill is obviously designed to work in tandem with the partial repeal that was passed by Congress last year, in that it sweeps away the parts of Obamacare that the other bill leaves behind, particularly the regulations.… Continue Reading
Written by Daniel Horowitz
What happens when Republicans pursue a half-baked repeal of Obamacare and sell it to the public as full repeal of Obamacare? Premiums go up because of the core Obamacare provisions left behind, yet that increase will be blamed on the false pretense that Obamacare was indeed repealed.
Earlier this week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a budgetary and economic score of the presumptive GOP plan to “replace” Obamacare. CBO concluded that not only will premiums fail to decrease, but will increase by 20-25% and 27 million more people would be uninsured.… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Brian Joondeph
Repeal and replace. That was and still is the Donald Trump promise for Obamacare. Congressional Republicans are ready to join in. Not that they haven’t been trying for the past six years, with over 60 attempts at repeal at the congressional level, all quickly dispatched by the Obama veto pen.
Now that there is a new sheriff in town, the veto threat is gone. Repeal and replace may actually happen. What will it mean?… Continue Reading