Written by Daniel Horowitz
If you thought the torrent of studies and data showing the COVID shots caused catastrophic levels of excess death would make the Centers for Disease Control reconsider, think again. The CDC just recommended more shots for all age groups and will continue to do so for one simple reason: the money.
On June 27, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices unanimously recommended both COVID and flu shots for children over six months old this fall.… Continue Reading
Tags: Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, British Medical Journal, Centers for Disease Control, COVID shots, Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Albert Shaw, Dr. Edwin Asturias, Dr. Helen Chu, Dr. Helen Talbot, Dr. Noel Brewer, Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, FDA, GlaxoSmithKline, Informed Consent Action Network, Moderna, mRNA, Murthy v. Missouri, Peter Doshi, Pfizer, RSV vaccine, Sanofi
COVID, Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
July 15, 2024 6:00 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
Should a product that is completely funded, marketed, monopolized, and then mandated by government be less liable than Toyota is for its airbags?
Anyone with a modicum of common sense would understand that the more a product is favored with regulatory shortcuts and other benefits only government can provide, the more the product’s makers should be on the hook for liability if it causes damage. The fact is that the federal government required millions of people — including members of the armed services — to get the jab.… Continue Reading
Tags: Big Pharma, Chip Roy, COVID, COVID-19 vaccine, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Informed Consent Action Network, Josiah Magnuson, Moderna, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, Pfizer, Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2005, South Carolina, The LIABLE Act
COVID, Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
March 9, 2024 8:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
Like green shoots poking up through snow in early spring, more signs of resistance are emerging every day.
We may be witnessing a massive rejection of the grim future fashioned for us by ruling elites, whose narrative of radical change is collapsing.
Americans are not buying what they’re selling.
They told us to endure endless rounds of COVID-19 shots, which are not only ineffective but may be harmful. Pfizer and Moderna stocks have plummeted because Americans have weighed the outcomes and gone natural.… Continue Reading
Tags: Beyond Meat, Big Pharma, Brownstone Institute, COVID–19, Donald Trump, electric vehicles, Elon Musk, Facebook, Great Barrington Declaration, Jeffrey A. Tucker, Mark Zuckerberg, Moderna, Pfizer, Robert Knight, The Epoch Times, the Great Reset, Twitter, X
Marriage, Family & Culture | David E. Smith |
January 8, 2024 7:25 AM |
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Written by Daniel Horowitz
Venture capital is a risky and rewarding business that, in a world of Adam Smith’s free market, would accurately predict, in most cases, the most efficient investments for creation of wealth and the betterment of human life. Venture socialism, on the other hand, shields investors in start-ups from all risk by funding their projects with both monetary and fiscal stimulus from the government. Now, those counting on taxpayer funding to augment their personal wealth portfolios know that green energy start-ups are “too big to fail,” just like the big banks in 2008.… Continue Reading
Tags: Adam Smith, ConnectDER, Federal Reserve, Free Market, Inflation Reduction Act, Leah Ellis, Moderna, Pfizer, Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley Bank, Sublime Systems, Venture Capitalism, Venture socialism, Vladimir Lenin, Washington Post, Whit Fulton
Climate Change, Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
March 17, 2023 8:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
One by one, the myths and lies propagated by the ruling elites about COVID-19 are falling like dominoes.
What was supposed to have been “misinformation” is the real deal.
The “wet market” theory, which never made sense, is turning out to be all wet. Major government agencies — the Department of Energy and the FBI — now say that the virus probably leaked from China’s Wuhan virology lab. It didn’t come from a bat sandwich after all.… Continue Reading
Tags: Allysia Finley, Anthony Fauci, Bret Stephens, Cell Host & Microbe, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Communist Party, Cochrane Review, COVID–19, Department of Energy, FBI, Francis Collins, Great Barrington Declaration, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, pandemic, Pfizer, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Wuhan Institute of Virology
COVID, Federal Issues | David E. Smith |
March 6, 2023 8:00 AM |
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Written by Robert Knight
Last October, the District of Columbia passed a law allowing health officials to vaccinate children as young as 11 without their parent’s knowledge or permission. Seriously.
You probably didn’t hear about this. The media avoid covering topics that might arouse the citizenry to reassert their constitutional and parental rights. How about the CDC’s recommendation to mask any child over two years old? Not big news.
Can’t you see newly empowered health police patrolling playgrounds to make sure all toddlers are masked?… Continue Reading
Tags: Alfred C. Kinsey, Anthony Fauci, CDC, COVID–19, Food and Drug Administration, HPV, human papillomavirus, Jessie Hill, Kinsey Institute, Moderna, Pfizer, Washington Post
Education | David E. Smith |
August 2, 2021 6:00 AM |
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