Posts tagged: Marxism

Buying the False Promises of Unexamined Socialism

Written by Robert Knight

Since the 1960s, the media, Hollywood and the education system have presented a warped view of America along with a sugarcoated version of socialism. So, we should not be surprised when we see so many young people fooled by the false promises of redistributive economics.

The millennials are the main force behind Vermont’s Democratic Socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, and they are pushing the Democratic Party even further to the left.… Continue Reading

Marx’s Apologists Should Be Red in the Face

Written by Dr. Paul G. Kengor

May 5 marked the bicentennial of Karl Marx, who set the stage with his philosophy for the greatest ideological massacres in history. Or did he?

He did, but deniers still remain. “Only a fool could hold Marx responsible for the Gulag,” writes Francis Wheen in “Karl Marx: A Life” (1999). Stalin, Mao and Kim Il Sung, Mr. Wheen insists, created “bastard creeds,” “wrenched out of context” from Marx’s writings.… Continue Reading

How to Restore Our Constitutional Foundation

Written by E. Jeffrey Ludwig

By the end of World War II, the beautiful foundational ideas and ideals of our constitutional republic had already been significantly undermined by the Democratic Party. The two pillars of our constitutional republic, federalism and checks and balances among our three branches of government, were being disrupted and distorted. The distortions expressed by so-called progressivism had begun the transformation of our political and economic system, especially under Woodrow Wilson and the Democrat Party, and intensified under the policies and programs of the New Deal.… Continue Reading

America’s Betrayal by the Democratic Party

Written by Jeffrey Ludwig

Are you aware that we are facing a political and cultural tragedy right now?  The Democratic Party, one of two great parties of the USA, has been co-opted by the communist ideologues, the power-mad neo-Marxists, in our political establishment.  They can call it liberalism or social justice or togetherness, but it is my considered judgment that, without exaggeration, we are facing an intent to subvert the electoral will of the American people.… Continue Reading

Obama’s Unacceptable Love Affair With Communism


Written by David Limbaugh

Conservatives and other Barack Obama critics are entitled to a big “I told you so,” after Obama’s stunning admission that he doesn’t believe there’s that much difference between communism and capitalism.

Actually, it’s not that stunning to people paying attention. Many of us warned about Obama’s Marxist sympathies before he was first elected president, and we’ve repeatedly pointed it out during his presidency. Obama was raised and mentored by communists and spent many years engaged in community organizing (radical leftist activism).… Continue Reading