Do Democrat Politicians Prefer Dead Babies?
Written by Abigail Ruth
There has been a significant amount of howling among Democrats and even some Republicans since IFA posted an article written by Teri Paulson last week that had to be retitled, “Why is Legalized Abortion Called a Holocaust?” Briefly, Illinois Family was accused of “hate speech,” “inappropriate behavior,” “trivializing the memory of Holocaust victims,” and “promoting violence,” to name a few.
No one who complained actually addressed the core issue of whether or not there really is a moral difference between killing people based on their ethnicity (e.g., Jewish) versus killing people based on their imperfections or inconvenience to others. It is darkly amusing to see Illinois Family lectured about the delicacies of “appropriate speech” and “promoting violence” by people who are actively championing cold-blooded murder. Strong language rebuking this gruesome practice is called for and long overdue.
Americans have been slaughtering their innocent unborn babies on a massive scale in this country since 1973 (sixty million plus and counting). From God’s point of view our hands and our land are soaked in the blood of our children (Genesis 4:10). Yet the bloodlust appears to be gearing up.
The Democrat supermajority in Illinois has now sponsored legislation that will legalize abortion for any reason whatsoever up to birth. As of yet no Republicans have signed on. Governor J.B. Pritzker has declared it to be his intention to make Illinois the most “abortion friendly” state in the union. This sickening aspiration is made even worse by an examination of the basic facts.
An unborn baby becomes viable (i.e., can live outside its mother’s womb) a little more than halfway through a 40-week pregnancy. There is never a medical reason to abort a viable baby. If a pregnancy must be terminated in order to protect the mother’s life or health, the baby can be delivered alive. This reality renders the idea of aborting viable babies to “protect the health of the mother” absurd. Regardless, no excuse will be needed in Illinois since the proposed legislation contains no restrictions. If passed, these bills will make it legal to kill a baby in the womb on what would otherwise be his or her birthday at the end of a full-term pregnancy.
Post-viability abortion is a vicious and unnecessary “choice” to kill an innocent child instead of delivering it alive. It should be morally unthinkable, and yet it is being publicly championed by Illinois Democrats in the most glowing (if deliberately vague) terms.
This leads me to ponder a question, and I ask you to do the same: Do Illinois Democrat politicians actually prefer dead babies to live ones?
Take ACTION: Please speak out! Click HERE to send a message to your state senator, state representative and to Gov. Pritzker. Ask them to stop targeting innocent pre-born persons and vulnerable women in Illinois. Ask them to vote against abortion expansion in Illinois (HB 2495). Please also ask them to vote against HB 2467, which will gut the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995. (Read more HERE.)
You can also call the Illinois State Capitol switchboard at (217) 782-2000 to be transferred to you lawmaker’s offices in Springfield.
This article was originally published at the For Such A Time As This blog.