Posts tagged: Elizabeth Warren

Liz Warren: The Next Obama

Federal Reserve Hearing

Written by James Lewis

The radical left is never satisfied with its power.  It always wants more.  Two terms as president won’t satisfy Obama’s power-lust.

On December 12, 2014, CNN reported that “300 ex-Obama staffers” had written a public letter urging first-term senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) to run for president.

Obama could have stopped that move from his homeys.  He chose not to, and probably encouraged it behind the scenes.

A few days ago, Robert Reich was quoted by our trustworthy media to the effect that “Elizabeth Warren would be a strong primary challenger to Hillary Clinton.”  … Continue Reading

Early Presidential Prospects


Written by Thomas Sowell

The more optimistic among us may hope that the Republicans will nominate somebody who stands for something, rather than the bland leading the bland — the kind of candidates the Republican establishment seems to prefer, even if the voters don’t.

With 2015 just getting under way, the buzz of political activity makes it seem almost as if we are already in the midst of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Among the Democrats, Hillary Clinton is honing her message to appeal to the mindset of the left wing of her party, whose support she will need in her second attempt to get the nomination as the Democrats’ presidential candidate in 2016.… Continue Reading

Far-Left Media Looking for a Clinton Challenger


Written by Don Irvine

There may be many in the mainstream media who are looking forward to a presidential run by Hillary Clinton, but the far-left media, which has never been crazy about Hillary, is actively seeking someone else to become the Democratic Party standard bearer in 2016, according to Politico’s Maggie Haberman and Hadas Gold.

The anti-Clinton drumbeat from the left includes, a relatively new website aimed at progressive millennials, and left-wing magazines In These Times and The Nation.… Continue Reading

The Shrill is Gone! Who’s Got Next in the Demokratik Party?


Written by Luke Hamilton

It is never too early to start planning the completion of a communist coup. We are only midway through Dear Leader’s second term, but the Demokrat primary for the 2016 Presidential election is beginning to take shape. It almost seems as if the party has already abdicated this year’s mid-term election and is instead marshalling forces for the next major election season. It wouldn’t be the worst strategy, given the fact that the prognosis is dire for Demokrats this year.… Continue Reading