Written by Lynn Bowman Tabb
Just 40 miles west of Chicago, the crowd was hot Tuesday night at the Fire Pritzker Rally in St. Charles’ Arcada Theater. And with good cause! “We the people” of Illinois have had enough of J.B. Pritzker’s tyrannical mandates. Illinois Gubernatorial Candidate Darren Bailey is proving himself to be the man to lead the people and scale back the reach of government in the lives of Illinoisans.
Throughout the event, speakers echoed the idea of taking a stand.… Continue Reading
Tags: Brett Corrigan, Darren Bailey, Eliana Hartian, Fire Pritzker Rally, J. B. Pritzker, Jenna Smith, Kenna Rose, Kennedi Maldaner, Lee Greenwood, Peter Christos, Stephanie Trussell
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
April 29, 2022 4:00 AM |
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Written by Jenna Smith
Mark your calendars! Tuesday, April 26th, there will be a massive get together in support of Darren Bailey for Governor in St. Charles IL! There is no fee to come, you will meet a mass of likeminded folks, and you won’t want to miss it!
Everyone knows that JB Pritzker has been an abysmal failure when it comes to just about everything his position as governor of Illinois entails. He has perverted public schools even further than they originally were, has further transformed Illinois as the abortion capitol of the Midwest, has destroyed local businesses and lives with tyrannical covid mandates, and has hiked the taxes so people are leaving the state in droves.… Continue Reading
Written by IFA Staff
For the past several months, IFA staff and board members have been researching the candidates running for state and federal offices in order to make endorsements and/or recommendations to our valued subscribers. Through this process, we hope to determine who among the candidates fear God, have a good reputation, love truth, and will govern honestly and righteously (Exodus 18:21; Proverbs 29:2; Acts 6:3).
Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life, pro-family voters.… Continue Reading
Written by Pastor Calvin Lindstrom
Some makeovers might cost you a couple of thousand dollars to get new clothes and a new look. Richard Irvin’s makeover is costing over $20 million dollars. For most people in Illinois this has been their first look at Aurora mayor, Richard Irvin, who with the backing of Illinois’ richest man, Ken Griffin, is now running for Illinois governor.
Undoubtedly there are admirable things about Richard Irvin. After graduating from East Aurora High School, Irvin joined the U.S.… Continue Reading
… assuming Irvin was ever with Trump
Written by John Lopez
Back on June 25, 2019, Aurora Mayor, now “Republican” gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin, said the following:
“Aurora was built by and is still sustained by hardworking families where every dollar counts. We applaud Congresswoman Underwood for her stalwart efforts and fully support H.R.1757 and its goal of providing tax relief to working families.”
As the quote said, Irvin applauded U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood (D-Naperville) in the context of her congressional office’s press release of 6/25/19.… Continue Reading
Tags: Avery Bourne, Chris Lauzen, Dan Cronin, Darren Bailey, Don Tracy, Donald J. Trump, Lauren Underwood, Mark Maxwell, Mark Pietrowski, Mike Thompson, Nicole Kaeding, Richard Irvin, Scott Gryder, Sean Casten, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Tax Foundation
Federal Issues, Illinois Politics, Political | Admin |
April 12, 2022 7:00 AM |
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Written by Fran Eaton
Every political campaign’s dream is to get potential voters to glance at piece of mail they find in their mailboxes, then their hearts pound quicker if those voters stop and read the mailing cover. Then they hope the voter will open the piece and read what they want those voters to know – either good stuff about their candidate or bad stuff about their opponent.
And that’s all besides the great money the printer gets for doing the mailer, the piece designer gets for putting it together and the political consultants commonly get for, well, being campaign consultants.… Continue Reading
Tags: Barack Obama, Bruce Rauner, Darren Bailey, Hillary Clinton, Jeanne Ives, Joe Biden, Ken Griffin, Operation Chaos, Republican National Convention, Richard Irvin, Rush Limbaugh, Trump delegate
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
April 7, 2022 4:00 PM |
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Written by David E. Smith
After two cancelations due to weather advisories we have decided to reschedule our Candidate Forum to March 26th, which is a Saturday evening.
This forum will be for Republican candidates seeking the party’s nomination for U.S. Senate and the office of Governor of the State of Illinois. A panel of three Illinois pastors will be posing questions to the candidates.
The candidates for U.S. Senate will begin the forum at 7 PM.… Continue Reading
Tags: Allison Salinas, Bobby Piton, Casey Chlebek, Darren Bailey, Jimmy Lee Tillman II, Kathy Slavi, Max Solomon, Paul Schimpf, Peggy Hubbard, Tim Arview
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
March 1, 2022 3:00 PM |
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Written by Kristi Shaffer and David E. Smith
Illinois has some exceptional conservative candidates running for office in the upcoming primaries. Citizens concerned with the direction of the state are becoming involved. Leftists, fearing the exit of persons of color from the Democrat Party desperately want voters to believe diversity is missing among the conservative candidates. They are again using identity politics to divide America, hoping to convince voters of the lie that conservatives represent only white America. … Continue Reading
Tags: 1776 Unites, Avery Bourne, Bobby Rush, Darren Bailey, Frederick Walls, Geno Young, Jim Durkin, Jimmy Lee Tillman II, Latasha H. Fields, Max Solomon, Nicholas Smith, parental rights, Richard Irvin, Stephanie Trussell
Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
February 10, 2022 4:00 AM |
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Written by David E. Smith
Over the past few days, we’ve seen a setback in the cause for sanctity of life. In their pursuit of women’s so-called “autonomy,” abortion cheerleaders have successfully secured some dangerous policy victories.
On Friday afternoon, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law the euphemistically titled “Youth Health and Safety Act” (HB 370), which repeals the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. By adding his signature to this repeal, Governor Pritzker—and the 94 Democrats who voted for it—usurp parental rights to be involved in major health decisions of their minor daughters by removing the last major abortion restriction in the state of Illinois.… Continue Reading
Tags: Carol Tobias, Charlotte Lozier Institute, Darren Bailey, Federal Drug Administration, JB Pritzker, Joe Biden, LifeNews.com, Mary Miller, mifepristone, National Right to Life Committee, Parental Notice of Abortion Act, Reason, RU-486, Youth Health and Safety Act
Sanctity of Life | David E. Smith |
December 18, 2021 4:02 AM |
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Written by David E. Smith
For as long as I can remember, Family PAC’s Paul Caprio has strongly urged conservative candidates to send Christmas cards to primary voters in their districts. At first I thought this wasn’t the best use of campaign resources and not a very policy-centric way to communicate to would-be voters. Yet, as I considered the up-side of a pro-Christmas, pro-family mailer, I became convinced of its genius. In fact, I now believe that my initial response severely underestimated it’s importance.… Continue Reading
Tags: Chris Miller, Christmas cards, Cindy Bailey, Darren Bailey, Election 2022, Family-PAC, Illinois, Mary Miller, Paul Caprio, Stephanie Trussell, War on Christmas
Faith & Religion, Illinois Politics | David E. Smith |
December 14, 2021 2:00 PM |
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