Posts tagged: Bruce Rauner

National Review: Rauner is the Worst GOP Governor in America

Written by John Biver

Illinoisans have a lot to be proud of — we live in a beautiful state in the heart of America. Our people are hardworking, our soil is among the most productive in the world, our transportation systems are first rate, we have a world-class city and hundreds of great small towns. The list could go on and on.

But to our shame is our state government. Illinois is at or near the top on a lot of bad lists: corruption, tax burden, unfunded liabilities, and debt.… Continue Reading

Poll: Liberals More Committed Than Conservatives

Written by John Biver

When Jeanne Ives announced her primary campaign challenge to Governor Bruce Rauner this week, one of the most common questions was — can she overcome Rauner’s incredible war chest which contains tens of millions of dollars of his own money?

The question that came to my mind was — do Illinois conservatives who support Ives realize that they have a role to play in her campaign? Never before have the grassroots taken on a such an enormous responsibility than what they have between now and the March primary election.… Continue Reading

Is Gov. Rauner Buying the Support of Illinois GOP County Chairmen?

Written by John Biver

Because the Illinois Republican Party nominated a radical left-winger in 2014 who has demonstrated an inability to lead, three years into his term Illinois finds itself worse off than when Governor Bruce Rauner took office.

What happens when that aforementioned Republican governor is willing to spend millions of dollars of his own money to purchase support? We’re witnessing the answer as candidate Bruce Rauner meets with county party chairmen and offers them assistance — in the form of money, candidate training, website support, etc.… Continue Reading

Pro-Life Politics with Pastor LeFlore (Spotlight #068)

In this week’s Spotlight podcast, Dave Smith sits down to talk to Rev. Ceasar LeFlore, the Founder and Executive Director of the Beloved Community Development Coalition and the Midwest Regional Director of the Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN). Pastor LeFlore is working towards a national pro-life prayer network, he is seeking to unite a million prayer intercessors to daily pray for the end of abortion.

Prayer, Pastor LeFlore said, “is required because an awakening is necessary for the darkness to be overcome.… Continue Reading

“A Great Awakening in Illinois” (Spotlight #067)

Joining Monte Larrick is Pat McManus, the Pastor of the Kingom Impact Center in Aurora. He is the main proponent of a movement to unite churches from several denominations in prayer for the state of Illinois.

They discuss how to awaken churches in Illinois, activate young people, and how to pray for leaders such as Governor Bruce Rauner and House Speaker Mike Madigan.

Monte pointed out the reality of the many roadblocks that currently exist in Illinois, and Pat stressed that true change requires unity among Christians regarding prayer and participation in the political process.… Continue Reading

James Marter Challenges Adam Kinzinger in the 16th Congressional District Primary

Written by John Biver

Politics has changed within the past two years and that is a very good thing. If you’re a conservative and don’t think much of President Donald Trump, you cannot deny he’s someone who wishes to get things done. Not a common trait among conservative politicians, at least not since Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich left the field.

Here in Illinois, Governor Bruce Rauner has behaved in such a way that conservatives are finally waking up, speaking up, and stepping up.… Continue Reading

Judicial Tyranny: From Sanctuary Cities and States to a ‘Sanctuary Nation’

Written by John Biver

It all started with “sanctuary cities.” Back in September, thanks to Republican in Name Only, Governor Bruce Rauner, Illinois became a “sanctuary state.” In this, Rauner is on the same page as Chicago’s Leftist mayor: state and local law enforcement are now prevented from making an arrest based solely on immigration status.

The Democratic Party’s goal of importing more future Democratic Party voters from other countries took yet another step forward when a federal judge ruled that the country is a “sanctuary nation.”… Continue Reading

Rep. Breen: Rauner Will Not Be Governor Next Term Due to HB 40

Written by John Biver

When it comes to taxpayer funding of for-any-reason abortions in Illinois, Governor Rauner and his anti-baby colleagues have won a battle, but not the war.

“We’re going to be on offense,” the video report begins. And longtime conservatives in Illinois will be thrilled to hear those words from a member of the Illinois State House of Representatives, Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard).

Very rarely over the past few decades have conservatives gone on offense inside the Illinois GOP or regarding any public policy.… Continue Reading

Pro-Life/Pro-Family Forces Issue a “No Confidence” Vote in Bruce Rauner

A News Release from the Illinois Family Action and Family-PAC:

The following Bill of Particulars was unanimously endorsed today by representatives of 20 statewide pro-life and pro-family organizations at a meeting in Chicago.

Bill of Particulars

Whereas the 2016 platforms of both the national and Illinois Republican parties clearly state their opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion.

Whereas the Republican members of the Illinois House and Senate have expressed their united opposition to taxpayer-funded abortion as expressed in House Bill 40.… Continue Reading

Is the Illinois GOP Civil War Finally Here?

Written by John Biver

Now that prominent conservatives are seeing Governor Bruce Rauner for who he really is, we arrive at a genuinely dramatic moment in a state where the Republican Party’s failures have paved the way for Leftist policies to ruin the state.

After signing several outrageously left-wing bills into law, an increasing number of rank and file conservatives and elected political leaders are finally seeing the truth about Governor Rauner. This gives conservatives in Illinois the opportunity to get their act together.… Continue Reading