Posts tagged: Bobby Jindal

Ted Cruz Close to Winning Tony Perkins Endorsement

Ted Cruz has successfully courted Bob Vander Platts, Iowa’s main Christian powerbroker, winning his endorsement Thursday that was sought feverishly by about half the Republican field. Now, Cruz in closing in on winning the backing of another top social conservative networker: Tony Perkins.

“There’s clearly movement going toward Ted, and I think he’s making all the right moves,” Perkins told CNN Thursday. “But from a timing standpoint, I’m still watching, waiting.”

Perkins, who heads the Family Research Council, sits at the top of a pair of sprawling social conservative networks, the Conservative Action Project and the Council for National Policy, that are the hidden hub of the forces looking to push the Republican Party further right.… Continue Reading

National Organization for Marriage Endorses Ted Cruz


Written by Ray Nothstine

Calling U.S. Senator Ted Cruz “a proven champion,” the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) endorsed Ted Cruz for president and promised to do everything possible to make his election possible.

“Sen. Ted Cruz is a proven champion for marriage and religious freedom and someone we can absolutely count on to fight to restore marriage to our nation’s laws and defend the religious liberty of the tens of millions of Americans who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president in a Wednesday press release.

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Highly Religious Republicans Don’t Like Trump


Written by Frank Newport

Late in August New York Times columnist Frank Bruni expressed puzzlement over what he cited as Donald Trump‘s high level of support among evangelical Republicans. A piece this week in The Christian Post similarly, albeit from a different perspective, ponders why Trump is “receiving so much support from evangelicals.” CNN carried a recent report on the battle for evangelical voters between Trump and Ben Carson. A recent report in The Wall Street Journal indicatedthat Donald Trump plans on meeting with evangelical leaders later in September in his office.… Continue Reading

Gov. Bobby Jindal Accurately Describes Donald Trump


Written by David E. Smith

At a National Press Club event in Washington D.C. on Thrusday, Louisiana Governor and GOP presidential candidate Bobby Jindal took on billionaire and GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

Gov. Jindal began his statements saying, “I want to say what everyone is thinking about Donald Trump but is afraid to say.”  Jindal went on to say, “He is shallow, there is no substance. He doesn’t know anything about policy, he has no idea what he is talking about.… Continue Reading

Four GOP Presidential Candidates, Out of 17, Sign Pledge to Defend Natural Marriage


The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has made public the presidential candidates who signed their “Marriage Pledge,” which promises to support a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

Four of the 17 Republican presidential hopefuls signed the pro-marriage, pro-child, and pro-family document:  Texas U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, former Pennsylvania U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson put their signatures to the pledge.… Continue Reading

Bobby Jindal Has the Most Amazing Response When Planned Parenthood Shows Up at His House

planned-parenthood-bobby-jindalPlanned Parenthood supporters protest actions by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
outside the governor’s mansion, Aug. 21, 2015.

Written by Ray Nothstine

By setting up a streaming loop of the now infamous undercover abortion videos outside the governor’s residence, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal challenged pro-Planned Parenthood protestors in an innovative way.

A half a dozen pro-Planned Parenthood protestors, many adorned in pink, showed up at the governor’s residence to decry Jindal’s actions to strip the popular abortion provider of state Medicaid funding in August.… Continue Reading

What GOP Candidates Said About Supreme Court’s Gay Marriage Ruling

GOP CandidatesSantorum, Huckabee, Cruz, Jindal make the A Team


Written by Maggie Gallagher
On June 26, a narrow majority of U.S. Supreme Court justices struck down the traditional definition of marriage, ruling all 50 states must recognize same-sex unions as marriages.

The four dissenters included the usually mild-mannered Chief Justice John Roberts, who called the majority opinion “dangerous to the rule of law”: “The majority’s decision is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court’s precedent.”… Continue Reading

Score Card from the Big Debates


Written by Michael Medved

All Republicans should feel relieved, if not jubilant. Lots of winners who helped themselves, and no disastrous losers.

Major gains for Marco Rubio who was lucid, passionate, self-assured, Kennedyesque – cementing his status as everyone’s second choice, which may win him the nomination, ultimately. John Kasich also moved his campaign forward: starting in tenth place (according to the polls) he looked and sounded like a folksy, credible, mainstream contender. Jeb Bush, who had to overcome a recent reputation for bumbling and gaffes, seemed strong, capable, sympathetic, and accessible.… Continue Reading

6 Interesting Facts About Bobby Jindal’s Christian Faith


Written by Ray Nothstine

Lousiana Governor Bobby Jindal may not be near the top of the polls for the Republican presidential nomination race or even drawing the biggest crowds, but he may be the smartest candidate in the race.

After graduating from Brown University, Jindal was accepted into law school at Yale and medical school at Harvard, but chose to attend graduate work at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Jindal has served in the George W.… Continue Reading

12 Interesting Facts About Bobby Jindal


Written by Diana Stancy

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal became the latest Republican to enter the 2016 presidential race, announcing yesterday that he will be making a run for the White House.

Here are 12 facts to know about Jindal:

  1. Jindal was born with the name Piyush. As a child, though, he decided to go by Bobby after his favorite character, Bobby Brady, from “The Brady Bunch”. His name still legally remains Piyush.
  2. Jindal is also the first Indian-American to become governor and Louisiana’s first non-white governor since Reconstruction.
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