Posts tagged: Black Lives Matter

Respect For Cops Has Increased. A Lot.


Written by Aaron Banler

A new poll shows that the despite the poisonous rhetoric from the Black Lives Matter crowd, respect for police officers has increased significantly over the past year.

A Gallup poll released on Monday found that 76 percent of Americans said they respected their local police officers “a great deal,” close to the all-time high of 77 percent in 1967. Gallup first started this particular survey in 1965.

Among political ideology, conservatives had the most respect for cops, at 85 percent.… Continue Reading

An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton About Black Babies

Written by Dr. Michael Brown

Is it all politics, or does Hillary understand the incongruity of her statements on black babies?

I know that you and Mr. Clinton have been considered real friends of the African-American community to the point that, before President Obama’s election, your husband was jokingly referred to as the nation’s first black president.

I also know that you have identified proudly as an “old fashioned Methodist” and that you warmly welcomed a contingent of African-American pastors who laid hands on you and anointed you as the next president.… Continue Reading

Totalitolerance Unleashed


Written by Robert Knight

Ever notice how threats of force invariably follow the Left’s pleas for “tolerance?”

Let’s call this criminalization of dissent “totalitolerance.”  This term has been around since at least 2013, but it deserves wider circulation, given the ferocity and frequency of progressive attacks on free speech.

In California, Attorney General Kamala Harris demanded the names of donors to conservative nonprofits in order to expose them to the kind of harassment endured by supporters of the Prop 8 marriage amendment referendum in 2008. … Continue Reading

What Millennials Don’t Get About Bernie


Written by Zachary Jonathan Jacobson

Bernie Sanders’ lock on young people has been a constant throughout the Democratic presidential primaries. Exit polling shows he won 83% of voters under 30 in Pennsylvania last month, 74% in Indiana last week and 71% in West Virginia on Tuesday.

Why are Millennials so enamored of Sanders? Most hypotheses credit their enthusiasm for sweeping moral goals such as transparency, fairness and justice. Perhaps young voters prefer Sanders’ call for “revolution” over Hillary Clinton’s more pragmatic incrementalism. … Continue Reading

Chicago’s ‘Godfather’ Is Under the Gun

Tiny Dancer

Written by Robert Knight

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a longtime Clinton ally, is facing an insurrection over his handling of a white police officer’s shooting of a 17-year-old black youth on October 20, 2014.

Coalition for a New Chicago, a liberal pressure group, is calling for his resignation. The U.S. Justice Department announced a civil rights investigation on Dec. 8, and Democratic State Rep. La Shawn Ford has filed a bill in the Illinois legislature that would allow a mayoral recall election.… Continue Reading