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The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.


Category: Spotlight

PODCAST: Democrats Use Pandemic and Riots to Unseat Trump

Pre-pandemic, the economic policies of the Trump administration had the economy soaring, providing the black community with the lowest unemployment rate in history. Then the Chinese Communist government unleashed a horror on the world, which became the crisis for which Democrats longed and are exploiting. In their devilish quest to shepherd befuddled Biden gently into the Oval Office in January, Democrats are desperately trying to keep schools and businesses shut down no matter the cost in unnecessary human suffering.… Continue Reading

“Muscular Christianity” (Illinois Family Spotlight #210)

As we dive into the last month of summer, David Smith and Monte Larrick welcome Jim Davids, attorney and chief counsel for the newly-formed Justice & Freedom Law Center, to this week’s Spotlight. Jim, David, and Monte explore the concept of “muscular Christianity” and a possible Christian “protest” response – Jesus’ Life Mattered. They also consider J.B. Pritzker’s executive orders that have limited religious liberty, recent legal cases involving religious discrimination and restriction of religious freedom, and concerns regarding how legal rulings that were made during the pandemic might affect a post-pandemic world.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: Sen. Hawley Launches Deserved Attack Against Roe v. Wade

On Sunday, in an interview with the Washington Post, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) took a dagger to the heart of Roe v. Wade like abortionists take a needle to the hearts of babies floating in their mothers’ wombs. Hawley made this statement about the infamous Supreme Court decision—a statement that has sent shock waves into the fetid, swampy “progressive” pond in which pro-feticide cheerleaders ferociously swim:

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PODCAST: Sen. Hawley Launches Deserved Attack Against Roe v.
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“An Answer to the Prayers of Illinoisans” (Illinois Family Spotlight #209)

Even if you live outside of Illinois Senate District 25, this edition of Spotlight presents information every voter needs to know. Republican candidate for senator, Jeanette Ward, joins me and Monte Larrick to talk about her candidacy as well as some of the critical issues facing our state. Jeanette shares the biblical values and common-sense principles regarding freedom, faith, and family that will inform her service if she is elected.

During our discussion, Jeanette discusses the implications of the ongoing bribery scheme investigation involving ComEd and “Public Official A” (alleged to be Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan).… Continue Reading

“If Democrats Get In, Say Goodbye to America the Beautiful and Hello to America the Ugly” (Illinois Family Spotlight #208)

The continued lockdowns–allegedly due to COVID-19–are not inhibiting pro-life activists like Joseph Scheidler from taking to the streets. The Face the Truth Tour consists of pro-lifers demonstrating in front of abortion clinics with graphic abortion photos to demonstrate the reality of abortion. Mr. Scheidler and Monte talked about how this tour got started, and why it is so effective and convicting. They also discussed the pro-life situation in Illinois and America, the hypocritical nature of the BLM activists, and election 2020.… Continue Reading

“Is LGBTQ Pressure Beginning to Crack the Evangelical House?” (Illinois Family Spotlight #207)

LGBTQ pressure continues to mount in government, schools, workplaces and even in our churches. Dr. Robert Gagnon argues against policies of appeasement with sexual extremists at this year’s IFI worldview conference in Barrington.

"Is LGBTQ Pressure Beginning to Crack the Evangelical House?" (Illinois Family Spotlight #207)
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PODCAST: Bitter, Shortsighted Never-Trumpers Harming America

Those who refuse to vote for President Trump because they find his tweets and temperament off-putting are small-minded, myopic, self-indulgent traitors to America. They are indulging their antipathy for Trump and their personal vindictiveness at the expense of America’s future.

There is a loathsome campaign afoot by Never-Trumpers/RINOs/Establishment Republicans (aka the D.C. swamp) to bequeath to the next generation a country of far more oppression, far less liberty, far greater educational indoctrination, a darker economic future, and more threats domestic and foreign.… Continue Reading

PODCAST: President Trump’s Mt. Rushmore Speech & the Left’s Unhinged Response

The juvenile, unhinged, and dishonest responses to President Trump’s magnificent Mt. Rushmore speech on July 3, 2020 reveal exactly what patriots are up against. President Trump began his speech by reminding all who call America home of the reason for the existence of the monument at Mt. Rushmore, the reason why America is unique among nations, and the reason so many still want to call America home:…

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PODCAST: President Trump's Mt. Rushmore Speech & the Left's Unhinged Response
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“Killing More Babies During the Pandemic” (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)

A new Planned Parenthood has opened in Waukegan; even in the midst of a pandemic the evil want to shed innocent blood. Monte Larrick joined a civil protest outside the new murder center recently and conducted a short interview with the Pro-Life Action League’s Executive Director Eric Scheidler. They discussed the need for a constant pro-life presence outside the clinic, possible legal challenges to the facility, and legislative action issues.

"Killing More Babies During the Pandemic" (Illinois Family Spotlight #206)
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PODCAST: Bad News for Dems The Nail in the Coffin of the Newest Environmental Scare Hoax

This week is ending with some very good news for the Trump campaign and for every true-red Republican running for office. On the morning of July 2, National Review’s Jim Geraghty wrote,

Holy smokes, this news is so off-the-charts good, at first glance people might think it is a misprint: The U.S. economy added 4.8 million jobs in the month of June, and the unemployment rate dropped from 13.3 percent to 11.1 percent. We knew that as lockdowns lifted and businesses reopened their doors, employers would bring back laid-off workers.… Continue Reading