It had even more corporate and cultural support than the vaccines and Ukraine. It was the greatest juggernaut in politics that even ensnared many Republican politicians. Yet never have we seen a movement that accomplished the opposite of what it was purported to do in such a short time frame. It turns out that as a result of the BLM-induced crime wave, reversing a generation-long trend of reduced crime, there were thousands of excess black homicide victims, a body count that is still climbing.
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Parents are up in arms from San Francisco to Florida and everywhere in between.

They’ve had a good look at what the schools are doing to their children, and they don’t like it one bit. Naturally, the parents are being told to shut up and keep paying taxes to support an educational establishment that despises their values.
This week David Smith and Monte Larrick shine the IFA spotlight on Jed Davis, conservative Republican primary candidate for state representative in the 75th district. Davis is running for office in order to rightly represent the Republican platform and the views and values of the constituents of this newly-drawn district.
On April 9, Oklahoma State University hosted a “drag queen story hour” for children as young as 2 years old on its campus. The event was part of the university’s “Pride 2022” celebration. A description for the program stated two drag performers would read books to all attendees and that the drag queen story hour was geared toward children between the ages of 2 to 8, but that “all ages [were] welcome to join in on the fun.”
For the past several months, IFA staff and board members have been researching the candidates running for state and federal offices in order to make endorsements and/or recommendations to our valued subscribers. Through this process, we hope to determine who among the candidates fear God, have a good reputation, love truth, and will govern honestly and righteously (Exodus 18:21; Proverbs 29:2; Acts 6:3).
Chicago’s Morning Answer with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson does a great job exposing the blatant lies, chicanery, and fraud coming out of the Richard Irvin for Governor campaign. During their morning broadcast on Wednesday, April 20th Dan exposes the following inconvenient facts...
Since the founding of this country, Americans have believed in local individuals helping those in need… not government programs administered by Federal bureaucrats.

Unlike Europe where charity is dispensed by government and state-subsidized and approved churches, America had a very different approach. For this reason, the Federal Government has allowed individuals to deduct contributions to 501 (c) 3 approved churches and charities on their federal income tax return.
Every parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle – anyone who loves and cares for the children in their family or sphere of influence – will want to listen to the second half of Dr. Rob Rienow’s presentation from IFI’s 2022 Worldview Conference! In his address entitled The Church, The Family, and The Kingdom of God, Dr. Rienow states that, while the church is doing a good job of investing in the next generation of Christ followers, the family is neglecting to hold up their end in their partnership with the church to reach the world.
Whenever Barack Obama grants an interview to one of his adorers in the media, one who arrives bathed in the glow of servility, everyone should be reminded that this is a major reason why people don't trust the media.
You can’t blame the FBI for seemingly missing every mass shooter or domestic terrorist. After all, the bureau is stretched thin hatching kidnapping plots in Michigan, investigating garage door ropes, and finding anyone who was within a half a mile of the Capitol on January 6. But what about those who are obsessed with white supremacism? Aren’t they the least bit concerned that most of the recent mass casualty shootings and domestic terror attacks appear to be committed by black nationalists?
Some makeovers might cost you a couple of thousand dollars to get new clothes and a new look. Richard Irvin's makeover is costing over $20 million dollars. For most people in Illinois this has been their first look at Aurora mayor, Richard Irvin, who with the backing of Illinois' richest man, Ken Griffin, is now running for Illinois governor.