The United States has become the divided states. “E pluribus unum” has become “ex uno plures.” Where we were once a diverse people coming together in common cause, we now seem to be a fractured country with no social and moral glue to hold us together.  
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Springfield has often been called a “political cesspool.” Our liberal legislators make sure there is an ample supply of sewage, i.e., progressive policy, to permeate our state – it truly is sickening. But there is hope! Felicity Joy Solomon, an enthusiastic candidate for State Senator from the 49th District, wants to effect change, make common sense the order of the day, and lead from the front.
The Primary Election is underway! As you may know, early voting began on May 19th. Registered voters can cast a ballot at their township offices as well as at their county clerk’s office.

As the state’s only full time Christian pro-life/pro-family organization, we are proud to endorse the following candidates running for office...

Eliana, Kenna and Jenna are especially excited in this episode, for the fourth host of Self Evident, Alyssa, has finally joined their ranks and completed their posse.  The girls settle in to list the most important reasons you should be reading your Bible.

We all know as Christians we should be reading our Bibles. But life seems to get in the way, and then we become discouraged and feel like we’re a horrible child of God when we miss a day or don’t understand a passage.… Continue Reading

We’re in another season of orchestrated, obsessive hysteria. 

This time, thanks to the unprecedented leak of a U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion, it’s about abortion. 
The Biden administration recently announced the formation of the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB). The agency—which falls under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—is purportedly being created to ensure the safety of Americans by stopping “false information that is deliberately spread with the intent to deceive or mislead.”
The Republican primary race in the Illinois 11th Congressional District enters the beginning of early voting and vote-by-mail ballots hitting the street with a flurry of activity which will crescendo to its finish on June 28.

God gave humans shoulders for a reason, and there is no shame in making them cold when an unpleasant personage approaches you!

Kenna, Eliana and Jenna are back in Self Evident’s third episode to wrap up their conversation on how girls should protect their hearts in today’s world.

Listen now!

 … Continue Reading

Illinois Family Action is pleased to endorse Win Stoller for re-election to the 37th District. He is a strong and passionate defender of life from conception to natural death. He vehemently opposed the unilateral Pritzker lockdowns and has fought to reduce taxes and wasteful Springfield spending that hurts our families.
Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts carefully, for out of it flows the springs of life. The girls list practical approaches you can take to ensure you are fully prepared for whatever life throws your way.
Do we still believe in science? Do we believe in biology? Do we believe in the objective reality of the human being, or do we believe that those in power have the right to subjectively impose their definition of human life on the powerless? 