Pride Month is obviously upon us. From the ubiquitous rainbow flags and public drag celebrations to the quasi-aborted attempts by retailers such as Target to normalize what, just five seconds ago, every average American would have said was absurd, the message is clear: “Join us in celebrating every sexual deviancy known to man, or we will cancel you, shun you, shame you, and punish you, for your intolerable intolerance.”
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The growing revolt in America against cultural madness is annoying the ruling elites, but not enough to keep them from continuing to foist their evil agenda brazenly on the rest of us... Parents are fed up with schools that indoctrinate their children. So the Southern Poverty Law Center, an elitist group that smears conservatives, has just added a dozen parental rights groups, including Moms for Liberty, to its “hate” list under “antigovernment extremist groups.”
There has been a lot of talk recently, notably by President Donald Trump but by several other prominent “conservatives,” about including exceptions for rape, incest, and viability in anti-abortion legislation.
With June 1st marking the start of Pride month, numerous woke corporations and government institutions wasted no time in raising pride flags and rolling out social media profile pictures to match the occasion.

After Bud Light and Target suffered significant losses from boycotts for pushing gender ideology nonsense, many companies seem to be a bit more cautious and hesitant, and rightly so.
As CNN looks for a new leader, former CNN host Brian Stelter proposed this as the most important question: "What should an anchor do when a guest says something untrue?" The public could turn this question around: "What should a politician do when a CNN host says something untrue?" The Stelters of this world cannot imagine anyone at CNN would ever say anything false. They arrogantly presume they always defend the "truth."
In this podcast episode of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Dr. Voddie Baucham regarding the issues of education, worldview, and critical race theory. The latter threatening to divide the Church and nation. There is an agenda to push a “false divide” between black and white people.
Late last month, state lawmakers in North Carolina held a hearing to discuss a proposal to legalize so-called "medical" marijuana. SB 3—NC Compassionate Care Act. During the hearing, Corinne LaMarca testified against the bill, sharing the story of her daughter, Jennifer.
Home-schoolers consistently outscore government school students in every academic area. It’s no wonder that the public school establishment hates and fears home schooling. The clearest evidence yet came in this past Thursday’s Washington Post. “THE REVOLT OF CHRISTIAN HOME-SCHOOLERS” (all caps in original) is a voluminous, front-page article almost entirely about one Loudoun County, Virginia, couple who had home-schooled their children before opting to enroll them in public schools.
McCarthy’s debt deal was supposedly the greatest spending cut of all time. Yet those cuts must have fooled everyone else, because all but six Democrats voted for the bill in the Senate, while Republican senators opposed it 32-17. This latest betrayal is the culmination of years’ worth of GOP perfidy on the most important budget bills, in which each one garnered more support from Democrats than Republicans no matter which branch of government Republicans controlled.
In this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick has an interesting conversation with Kirk Smith, executive director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE). Over the weekend of May 20th, ICHE hosted their annual homeschool conference at Olivet Nazarene University where families were not only encouraged to educate their children academically, but educate them spiritually.
If nothing else comes of the Los Angeles Dodgers’ bizarre embrace of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, it is striking evidence that a false religion is out of control. Virtually all major league sports teams and dozens of minor league teams have caved to the LGBTQ religionists. “Pride” events dominate June, formerly known for weddings and Father’s Day. Talk about cultural appropriation. 