
“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
~Barack Hussein Obama

Written by Matt Barber

Isn’t it about time we crusade for self-defense?

I’ll say it again. Political correctness is a barrier to truth and a pathway to tyranny.

It’s also deadly.

As I beheld across my social media feeds Thursday night, the horrific, blood-bathed images of 84-plus slaughtered innocents on the streets of Nice, France (at the hands of yet another Muslim named Mohamed), I was reminded of a quote by the great Winston Churchill: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.”… Continue Reading

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Written by Robert Knight

Moral anarchy takes many forms.

It can percolate upward, when petty crimes are ignored by the authorities.

This used to happen routinely under progressive leadership in New York City, where litter, graffiti and boorish public behavior signaled the real and present danger of more serious crimes like muggings, murders and rapes.

Beginning with policing minor violations, crime-busting U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani restored order while serving as New York’s mayor from 1994 to 2001.… Continue Reading



Written by Tony Perkins

If President Barack Obama was hoping to make showers and locker rooms a campaign issue, brand new polling provides more evidence that he succeeded. But not in the way he intended. A WPA Research survey commissioned by Family Research Council Action finds that two thirds (66 percent) of Americans disapprove of “government forcing schools, businesses, and non-profit organizations to open the showers, changing facilities, locker rooms, and bathrooms designated for women and girls, to biological males and vice versa.”… Continue Reading


Written by Billy Davis and Steve Jordahl

A variety of advocates for conservative causes are watching closely as the Republican Party completes a draft of its official party platform.

Platform committee members met Monday and Tuesday in Cleveland to finalize the party’s stance on immigration, military readiness, and other issues that will be put before convention delegates for a final vote.

Many of the debated topics were hot-button social issues, including abortion and traditional marriage.

“Emerging Republican platform goes far to the right,” a headline at the reliably liberal New York Times declared earlier this week.… Continue Reading


Written by Matthew Vadum

The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center relentlessly promotes the Big Lie, wildly popular in the media, that conservative Americans are racists and the real threat to the nation rather than Islamic terrorists.

The group claims the principal enemies of the American people are presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, conservatives like David Horowitz, and the Tea Party movement.

The SPLC is a shamelessly hypocritical leftist attack machine funded by radical speculator George Soros and a rogue’s gallery of rich people and established philanthropies that want to fundamentally transform America.… Continue Reading


Written by Kelsey Harkness

The story of the former Atlanta fire chief who was fired from his job after publishing a book that addressed marriage and sexuality from a biblical perspective took center stage at a hearing Tuesday on Capitol Hill, with witnesses from both sides of the aisle voicing disapproval of the city’s decision to terminate the decorated public servant.

“I wish we had a bill to protect him,” former U.S. Representative Barney Frank, a Democrat who represented Massachusetts’ 4th District, said of Chief Kelvin Cochran.… Continue Reading


The Republican Party Platform Committee adopted draft language on Tuesday that supports defunding Planned Parenthood and extending the Constitutional “right to life” to pre-born babies.

Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, in currently in Cleveland with #OperationRNC, which is a campaign led by Created Equal to ensure the GOP party platform remains pro-life.  Newman also served as a founding board member of the Center for Medical Progress, the group that released undercover videos last year showing Planned Parenthood officials haggling over the price of aborted baby parts.… Continue Reading



Written by William G. Parrot

Against a backdrop of quietly extended military deployments in Afghanistan to preserve a lame-duck legacy, we’re yet again reminded that the rule of law does NOT apply to the ruling class, especially not at Department of State.  With journalism hijacked by 24-hour cable news hysteria, fueled by the cheap melodrama of celebrity-anchor idol worship, dedicated news junkies retreat to CSPAN for facts unblemished by “entertainment.”

Two fatally-flawed national candidates literally stumble towards the most powerful elected office in the world, while global jihad assaults the daily routine of Hometown U.S.A. … Continue Reading


Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept

Written by Walter Williams

German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that multiculturalism has “utterly failed,” adding that it was an illusion to think Germans and foreign workers could “live happily side by side.” The failure of multiculturalism is also seen in Denmark, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium and other European countries. Immigrants coming from Africa and the Middle East refuse to assimilate and instead seek to import the failed cultures they fled.

Leftist diversity advocates and multiculturalists are right to argue that people of all races, religions and cultures should be equal in the eyes of the law.… Continue Reading


Written by Allan B. West

You know I love it when we find hypocrisy emanating from the progressive socialists of the left. Yeah, I know, it’s really not that hard, and they make it easy — well, for those with the courage to go on offense against them.

In the aftermath of the Orlando Islamic terror attack, the left has been spewing forth its manufactured and fabricated narrative about gun control. Heck, they even carried a rainbow banner from the New York City pride parade that blamed Islamic jihadists the Republican Party for hate.… Continue Reading


Written by Jeffrey Jones

As the nation prepares to celebrate Independence Day, 52% of U.S. adults say they are “extremely proud” to be Americans, a new low in Gallup’s 16-year trend. Americans’ patriotism spiked after 9/11, peaking at 70% in 2003, but has declined since, including an eight-percentage-point drop in early 2005 and a five-point drop since 2013.

Trend: How proud are you to be an American -- extremely proud, very proud, moderately proud, only a little proud or not at all proud?

Americans’ declining patriotism is likely related to broader dissatisfaction with the way things are going in the U.S.Continue Reading
