
Written by Justin McCarthy

As partisan-fueled court battles over state voting laws are poised to shape the political landscape in 2016 and beyond, new Gallup research shows four in five Americans support both early voting and voter ID laws. A smaller majority of 63% support automatic voter registration.


These data come from an Aug. 15-16 Gallup poll.

While providing early voting opportunities and requiring voters to show photo identification at polling stations are popular among a majority of Americans, both are contentiously debated by party leaders and are being contested in state courts.… Continue Reading

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Dear Pro-Family Friends,

Early voting has been proven to win elections for conservative candidates over the last few election cycles. While many folks have good intentions to vote on election day, for a variety of reasons they never make it. That is why Illinois Family Action is currently engaged in a get-out-the-vote (GOTV) effort in your area — you may have received a phone call from us about it — or you may still. We need your help to make it a success — especially because of the importance of the down-ballot candidates.… Continue Reading



Written by John Biver

Here are just a few of the many resources (articles and videos) available on the topic of church activities deemed “political,” as well as on the Johnson amendment. So few people know this due to the conservative failure in the information war.

Regardless of the Johnson amendment, however, two notes…

First, note this quote from Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel has observed:

Pastors can preach on biblical, moral and social issues, such as natural marriage and abortion, can urge the congregation to register and vote, can overview the positions of the candidates, and may personally endorse candidates.

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Written by J. Matt Barber

I can’t wait for “Weekend at Chelsea’s” to hit the big screen. CNN and the rest of Hillary Clinton’s slobbering media sycophants have already written the script. If this woman, God forbid, dropped dead on the sidewalk tomorrow, these doting suck-ups – these mass media strumpets whose voter trust has, understandably, reached an all-time low – would dutifully parrot the Clinton campaign talking points and call it a “minor setback” to her “inevitable” victory.… Continue Reading


IL_Family spotlight_516x260

Written by David E. Smith

We are excited to announce a new Illinois Family Action (IFA) feature: podcasting! For those who are unfamiliar, a podcast is simply a digital audio recording that is easily listened to and shared with others through a computer or smart phone. Podcasts are a convenient and popular way to reach, educate, and connect with an audience.

Our podcast, Illinois Family Spotlight, will be a weekly podcast that provides analysis of and commentary on political and cultural events and issues.… Continue Reading


Image result for voter election

Written by Justin McCarthy

About six in 10 Americans are confident that votes will be accurately cast and counted in the coming election. This is similar to their confidence level in 2008, but down from levels from 2004 to 2007 when confidence ranged between 71% and 75%.

ConfidenceInAccuracyOfElections1 (3)

Despite the controversy over ballot accuracy in the 2000 election, Gallup’s trend shows that the highest level of voting confidence was in 2004 — the first time Gallup polled on this question — four months before that year’s presidential election.… Continue Reading

Voter registration card
Written by Daniel Horowitz

Non-citizens voting in our elections poses one of the most foundational threats to our republic. As I detail in chapter eight of my book, Stolen Sovereignty, a record high level of immigration, in conjunction with Motor-Voter laws, has resulted in so many non-citizens voting that elections are actually swayed, especially in close House and Senate elections. In fact, non-citizen voting likely gave Democrats the margin of victory needed to pass Obamacare back in 2010.

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Image result for massachusetts lgbt

Written by Onan Coca

Across the country states have been passing laws meant to defend the First Amendment from government overreach, and simultaneously liberals and the media have been decrying these protections as “homophobic” and “bigoted.” These same liberals have argued that conservatives are being paranoid and that no protection is needed…

Sadly, Massachusetts has just proved every conservative fear accurate.

On October 1st the most draconian “non-discrimination” laws in the nation will go into effect in the Bay State.… Continue Reading



Written by Robert Knight

Socialism is still in vogue, regardless of its sorry record all over the world for the last century.  The Free Stuff Army is on the march, especially in the United States.

There’s something about deploying the government as a mugger to obtain the fruits of someone else’s labor that appeals to the worst in us.  But it invariably leads to poverty, dishonesty and even tyranny.

Years ago, I visited Jamaica when it was under a socialist government. … Continue Reading



Less than Eight Weeks to Go Before Election Day and
Illinois Family Action Needs Your Help!

Written by David E. Smith

The important issues at stake are in the headlines every day. The threats against religious liberty and rights of conscience are increasing; putting even common sense at risk.

Many high schools are now debating whether to allow biological boys to use the girl’s washrooms, locker rooms and showers. 

It’s not just the presidential election that is of critical importance, but every office “down ballot” as well.Continue Reading



U.S. adversaries are exploiting the void
left by withdrawn American leadership

Written by Sebastian & Katharine Gorka

When President Barack Obama took office, Osama bin Laden was in hiding, al-Qaida in Iraq was in retreat, and the governments of the Middle East, while not necessarily exemplars of democracy, were at least stable.

Today, seven-and-a-half years later, as we near the end of his presidential term, al-Qaida is resurgent under the leadership of Ayman al Zawahiri, the Taliban rules half of Afghanistan, and al-Qaida in Iraq, after becoming ISIS, has declared a caliphate with more territory than the United Kingdom and with “fully operational” affiliates in 18 nations around the world and dozens more groups sympathetic to its totalitarian religious ideology of global jihad.… Continue Reading
