Former Vice President and Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden has declared that his top legislative priority would be the Equality Act, which would enshrine “LGBTQ” special rights into labor and civil rights laws.Biden delivered the keynote address at the annual gala of the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual organization that seeks to promote the “LGBTQ” agenda under the guise of protecting basic human freedoms.
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In 1860, with the election of Abraham Lincoln as U.S. President, the newly-formed Republican Party controlled the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and presidency. As was the case with most every state in what would become the Confederacy, my home state of Georgia cited slavery, republicans, and the election of Lincoln as its reasons for seceding:
The first rule of any Marxist revolution is that rules are fine if they advance the cause or cripple opponents.  The rules can be discarded the minute they get in the way.That’s the way America’s Marxists, socialists and many liberals operate when it comes to the U.S. Constitution, especially the First Amendment.
This edition of IFA Spotlight features Pastor Douglas Wilson. His presentation at the March 2019 Worldview Conference on "Trans" Ideology is simply amazing. His talk however, is not limited to the transgender issue, covering the culture war as a whole.
Pelosi, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the rest of the congressional Democratic cabal have treated President Trump abominably, and it’s getting old. Do they assume Americans have endless patience for their ongoing investigation charade?
I’ve said from the beginning that despite his robust poll numbers I don’t see any way how former Vice President Joe Biden earns his party’s nomination.  He isn’t woke enough, he doesn’t check the right intersectionality boxes, and he’s notoriously creepy around professional women.
Yesterday afternoon, the Illinois House Democrat Caucus met for 2-3 hours to discuss, among other things, the grotesquely misnamed "Reproductive Health Act." If passed into law, this legislation would dramatically expand abortion--including Medicaid abortions--and usurp parental rights. We expect that the original proposal will be amended and a new (shell) bill number assigned.
This party — the Democratic Party — a party that for decades was led by some of our nation’s greats; men like FDR, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy and LBJ; a party that defended America against the aggression of the Empire of the Rising Sun, a party that stood resolute in the face of the evils of Nazi socialism; a party that stopped the global incrementalism of the USSR; a party that fought the barbarism of Ho Chi Minh; this party — the Democratic Party — is now a party without sanity and without a soul.
Increased coverage of the push to legalize high potency marijuana in Illinois has allowed another legislative movement – one that would expand access to an equally addictive behavior – to stealthily gain momentum. It’s time for Spotlight to cut through the shadows and reveal the dangers of Illinois lawmakers’ intentions to legalize internet and sports gambling in our state.
So, when the U.S. Supreme Court numbered abortion among our precious constitutional rights, we expected everlasting bliss? Anything but the present knock-down-drag-out over Roe v. Wade and its prospects for survival?
“Today, I signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act, a bill that was approved by overwhelming majorities in both chambers of the legislature,” said Gov. Kay Ivey. “To the bill’s many supporters, this legislation stands as a powerful testament to Alabamians’ deeply held belief that every life is precious and that every life is a sacred gift from God.”