In this week’s Spotlight, Rev. Calvin Lindstrom sits down with Dave & Monte to discuss the distorted message and disastrous impact of the growing weed wave that is flooding the nation and the incestuous relationship between our elected officials and Big Marijuana. During the second half of the podcast, the conversation turns to the perils of sending children to government schools...
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Remember a few weeks ago when videos went viral of people dousing New York City police officers with water while onlookers cheered their approval?  It was pointed out that this would inevitably lead to more violence against cops.
There have been 1,196 victims of mass shootings since 1966. That is 0.001 percent of the 928,093 homicide victims from 1966 to 2017. However, most of the remaining homicides, which account for 99.99 percent of victims, are perpetrated by known career criminals.
In a crowded field of competitors I get what he’s doing.  And politically I don’t blame him.  South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is a longshot candidate who lacks the pedigree, chops, and experience for the office he seeks.  But that doesn’t always matter in presidential primaries.  Often times outsider candidates who find a niche, tap into a core group of committed supporters who are willing to ride with them through thick and thin, can take advantage of the splintering nature of crowded race demographics and pull the upset.
If schools support women, why do they teach the young that women aren't real?
A reader points out this article by a liberal in the Atlantic. It is titled “The Left Needs a Language Potent Enough to Counter Trump.” The writer, George Packer, is mostly intent on denouncing Pres. Trump’s “dangerously populist” speech. As usual, the author goes off on Nazi, Hitler & fascist tropes without acknowledging that the reason why the things Trump says are “populist” is that they make sense to most people, based on their experiences & observations.
Last week as the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) reportedly conducted the biggest one-day sweep in U.S. history, picking up 680 illegal workers in Mississippi, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has reiterated that her city will not enforce immigration laws.
Right now, there are many thousands of people deciding not to give up on Illinois. Yes, you read that right. Not everyone is willing to surrender. Many who have left Illinois have left for good reasons, like a better job opportunity or to be closer to family living outside of Illinois. But others who have chosen to leave Illinois simply gave up. They just weren’t willing to fight. They made the decision to let the radicals win with their pro-abortion and big government/ever-increasing high tax policies.
While President Donald Trump is an ideal scapegoat for leftist hatred and demagoguery, the left’s ultimate goal is to permanently reduce conservatism and the Republican Party to minority status by indelibly associating them with racism.
It used to be folks would be proud to say they lived in Illinois. What’s not to love – beautiful farms, busy factories, dynamic small towns, eye-popping Chicago, the lakefront, museums and boat harbors. But things are different now. Forty years of big-city Democrats dominating our lawmaking has wrought awful changes, none worse than those of the legislative session that ended June 2.
Perfect.  It was perfect.  What Don Lemon, one of the most unscrupulous actors posing as a journalist on television today, did to a black minister live on television last week stands as the perfect depiction of why people hate the media, why the president’s punches against them always land so forcefully, and why his employer CNN is cratering to what seems like unsustainably low ratings.