Joining Monte Larrick on this edition of Spotlight is Darren Bailey, current State Representative for the 109th district. Their conversation occurred at the Illinois Conservative Union’s Illinois Political Activist Conference which was held in August in Bolingbrook, Illinois.
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How many times do Democrats get to cry wolf before a rational body politic tells them to go fly a kite? Instead of retreating with tails between their legs over their failed Russia hoax, they’re at it again.
It doesn’t matter which candidate prevails in this clown-show of a primary our country is presently forced to endure. The campaign tagline for the eventual nominee, whether it is Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris, will be, “The facts be damned. Impeach Trump!”
Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum website has a post titled, “The Most Powerful Office In The World Is NOT The President of the United States!” Hyperbole? You read it and decide. No one is arguing that ONE INDIVIDUAL precinct committeeman has more power than the president. But put together hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of precinct committeemen, and every politician from the White House on down will know that they will be held accountable.
Republicans need a troop surge of conservatives in party politics. That means you. Through this series of articles we hope and pray that conservative Christian voters will consider running for the office of precinct committeemen. In doing so, you will directly and positively influence pro-family issues and political leadership within the Illinois GOP.
Among conservatives there is a great deal of anger with the current Republican Party leadership in Washington, D.C., and in many state capitals. A lot is being written on this topic by commentators this summer because of the popularity of “outsider” candidates running for the GOP presidential nomination.
In our first post we quoted from Fay Voshell’s recent article, “The Little Hand,” words that should stir everyone on the political right into action. Voshell’s post is political writing at its best, and in my view — it is political writing as art. Speaking of art, here are a couple of lines spoken to idle troops during a battle in Shakespeare’s Henry V...
Years before the rise of the Tea Party protest movement in early 2009 one of the more common conversations among conservatives at political events involved the questions, “What can be done?” “What’s the plan?” “What can I do?” The fact is, there hasn’t been much guidance available.
A bizarre incident at Union Theological Seminary illustrates why many Christians believe that internal forces, not external ones, represent the greatest threat to the church. Students at this seminary prayed to a collection of plants in its chapel, which triggered a raft of criticism on Twitter. The school defiantly defended its action in a series of tweets.
On April 12th, 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to leave Earth and orbit in space, and upon successful completion of the mission, a huge reception was held in his honor. At that reception, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev reportedly cornered him and asked, “So tell me, Yuri, did you see God up there?”
“If someone calls it socialism,” said Rev. William Barber at the August meeting of the Democratic National Committee, “then we must compel them to acknowledge that the Bible must then promote socialism, because Jesus offered free health care to everyone, and he never charged a leper a co-pay.”