Category: Uncategorized

Madison County GOP Joins Growing Number of Counties Calling for Pat Brady’s Resignation

Written by David E. Smith, IFA Executive Director

Meanwhile, Pat Brady laughs it up while the
Illinois State Central Committee
has yet to call for a special meeting
to deal with this troubling situation.

On Monday evening, the Madison County Republican Central Committee joined the going chorus of calls for Pat Brady to resign his post of Chairman with the Illinois Republican Party.  Late last year it was revealed that Brady was working with Democrats to lobby Illinois state lawmakers to redefine the institution of marriage.… Continue Reading

Pat Brady Digs In — Will County GOP Calls For His Resignation

Written by David E. Smith, IFA Executive Director

This past weekend, Pat Brady, Chairman of the Illinois Republican party, was interviewed on Fox 32 about his political activity to help Illinois Democrats pass radical Leftist legislation to redefine marriage and family.  This conflicts not only with the Illinois Republican Platform and the National Republican Platform but also with the views of the majority of voters in the state –specifically members of Brady’s own party.  (Watch the video HERE.)… Continue Reading

Williamson County GOP Joins Calls for Pat Brady’s Resignation!

The Williamson County Republican Central Committee has unanimously voted on a resolution calling for Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady to resign. In a press release, the Central Committee wrote:

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady recently participated in a campaign urging Republican lawmakers to back legislation to legalize “same-sex marriage” in Illinois. Williamson County Central Committee Chairman Sue Hamilton said that while Brady claims to have acted as a private citizen – it is impossible to separate his personal views from his public position as Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party.

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McLean County GOP Calls for Pat Brady’s Resignation

The McLean County Republican Central Committee met Monday, Jan 14th, at their Headquarters and voted unanimously among those present the following:

“The McLean County Republican Central Committee calls for the resignation of Pat Brady as the state Republican Party Chairman due to his promotion of issues contrary to the Republican Party platform.”

“Pat Brady has failed to lead the State Republican Party, and should step down as its leader. Brady has failed to follow the Illinois Republican Party platform along with the National Republican Party’s Platform.”

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Grundy County GOP Calls for Pat Brady to Step Down

Written by David E. Smith

Last night (1-09-2013), the Grundy County Republican Central Committee passed a resolution calling for the resignation of Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady to step down.  Here is the motion that passed:

Be it resolved that the Grundy County Republican Party Central Committee immediately send correspondence to the Illinois Republican State Central Committee calling for the resignation of Patrick Brady as the State Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and for his replacement by someone who supports the 2012 Platform of the Illinois Republican Party, including its position supporting traditional marriage and the traditional family.

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The Establishment’s Perfect Candidate

Written by Micah Clark, AFA of Indiana

There is a lot of talk about what Republicans need to do to win elections after the November 6th election losses.  Most of those offering advice are pointing fingers at Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin, (who created their own unique challenges), and ignoring the many U.S. Senate GOP moderates who lost, like Tommy Thompson (WI), Linda Lingle (HI) and Linda McMahon (CT) or Scott Brown (MA) to make the case that the GOP needs to be more moderate.… Continue Reading

“Here’s What You Ought to Do” said the Fox to the Chicken

Written by Micah Clark, AFA of Indiana

Scores of commentators have been rehashing the results of the November 6th election and advising the GOP on what it ought to do.  Let me say this to Republicans: only a party of fools would now take advice from the same media establishment that worked around the clock to ensure your defeat.  Instead of listening to the “talking heads” appearing on TV, both Republicans and Democrats would be wise to look at some amazing voter data from some truly large voting blocs. … Continue Reading

God Will NOT Be Mocked

Written by Matt Barber

Obama has invited the wrath of the Lord

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ~ Abraham Lincoln

America has forsaken her first love. She has finally, and fully, given herself over to a licentious Lothario with whom she has increasingly flirted since her youth. He is sin – and, notwithstanding full knowledge of who he is and what he intends, with him she has lain.… Continue Reading

RINO Season Begins Today

Written by Dr. Scott

For conservatives, it’s time to let some hard truths push aside conventional wisdom in the political realm.

First, we need to admit and accept that Republicans in Name Only (RINO) are worse enemies to our cause than Democrats.  Every time we accept a RINO instead of a true conservative for any position we guarantee a continuing progressive loss for conservative values.  Why?  Once RINOs are in office it is nearly impossible to replace them with a true conservative (absent a major scandal or such like) because the moderates (whose votes we need to defeat liberals) will never join with the conservatives to oust them in favor of a conservative. … Continue Reading

Aftermath: Lessons from the 2012 Election

Written by Albert Mohler

The 2012 U.S. election is over, and more than 100 million Americans participated in the great exercise of democracy — fulfilling the franchise of the vote. Even with some votes not yet counted and some issues as yet clarified, a general picture of the election is clearly in view, and the impact of this election will be both massive and enduring.

Several lessons emerge in the immediate aftermath of the election and Christians should consider them carefully.… Continue Reading