Category: Uncategorized

Wanted: Good People for School Boards

Written by Kathy Valente and David E. Smith

Have you seen those videos on social media or news programs of moms or dads standing up at a school board meeting, pleading with school officials to put an end to the sexually-explicit materials invading classrooms and libraries? Or parents boldly speaking out in support of fairness in girls’ sports and their daughter’s privacy? And the community members who are alarmed by the racism is being taught through CRT lessons?… Continue Reading

Deepening Concerns Over Illinois Supreme Court Candidate Rochford

Written by Illinois Family Action

Illinois Family Action was contacted by another dad, whose story deepened our concerns about the race for Illinois Supreme Court and about the Democrat Candidate, Judge Elizabeth Rochford.

A third person has reached out, unsolicited and previously unknown to us, who felt compelled to share their story of injustice and bias, at the hands of Judge Rochford. (The same Elizabeth Rochford who donated to corrupt and indicted Chicago Alderman, Ed Burke and is getting millions from Governor J.B.… Continue Reading

Running on Fumes! Hoping for Your Help!

Written by David E. Smith

Illinois Family Action is currently engaged in a Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) effort throughout the state. The importance of this election cannot be over-emphasized. Never before in the history of the United States have we seen this level of delusional thinking, rhetoric and militancy. The threats to the institutions of the sanctity of life, the centrality of family and the importance of the church are more profound than we can remember.

But we have one major problem.Continue Reading

Let’s Flip The General Assembly!

Written by Kathy Valente

Below is a sample of what someone in Illinois’ 15th State Senate district recently distributed in her neighborhood – a custom-made half-sheet flier specific to her area. She said that many of the people she spoke with had previously voted for the Democrats IFA highlighted in the flier. She said they were SHOCKED to find out that the state lawmakers they previously supported voted AGAINST common-sense values. So shocked that they declared they would now vote against their incumbent state representative and state senator!… Continue Reading

“Well Versed” Online Training

Illinois Family Action would like to invite you to participate in attending or leading, a “Well Versed World” Bible Study: Once a week, leading up to the extremely important November election.

You can sign up here:

Watch this Sunday’s “How To” Session here:

The study is designed to teach what God says about political involvement, how to Biblically interpret the issues of our day and how to “make the case” to others, who may be needing wisdom and knowledge about their involvement in God’s gift of self-governance.… Continue Reading

Election Integrity: Election Judges and Poll Watchers Needed

Written by John Biver

Even though the General Election isn’t until November 8, 2022, it isn’t too early to begin considering serving as an Election Judge or a Poll Watcher. Both positions, created by state statute, play an important role in insuring that our elections are conducted according to law.

Since Illinois is a state famous for registered voters residing in cemeteries who vote for Democratic Party candidates, preventing voter fraud is one of the most important tasks for the Judges and Poll Watcher.… Continue Reading

Democrat Policies Will Create More Pregnant 10-Year-Olds

Written by Trevor Thomas

The end of Roe v. Wade—while a tremendous constitutional victory—is far from enough to end abortion in America. Many states in the U.S. will see just as many abortions—if not more—as they would have if Roe had never been overturned. What’s more, the (seemingly always) angry left in America seems ever more determined to bring even more sexual deviancy into our culture.

As the last several decades have taught us, the left doesn’t need an excuse to push the sexual boundaries in America, but losing Roe seems to have pushed many into a deeper darkness when it comes to matters in the sexual realm.… Continue Reading

Jennifer Korte Earns IFA’s Endorsement!

Written by IFA Staff

We were very impressed with Jennifer Korte’s energy, conservative values, and dedication to the issues of the sanctity of life and parental rights. She is running for Illinois State Representative in District 112, and we hope she will beat the incumbent and flip that district red. Her experiences as a mother, an advocate for sexual assault victims, a volunteer at a local pregnancy resource center and at her children’s school will be invaluable as she considers legislative proposals in Springfield.

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Self Evident Episode 5: Chaos, Coffee Cake and Colors

Welcome to the bonus episode of Self Evident, where the hosts just hit record and conversed on anything they desired. Get to know the girls better as they disagree about coffee, delight over Dracula, dissect colors, and laugh about their discombobulated thoughts.


Listen now!

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You Are Worth Protecting: Pt. 1 (Self Evident ep. 2)

Woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself. ~ Susan B. Anthony


In the second episode of Self Evident, Eliana, Kenna and Jenna address the vital importance of protecting your heart as a woman–not merely physically, but mentally and Spiritually. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to guard our hearts carefully, for out of it flows the springs of life. The girls list practical approaches you can take to ensure you are fully prepared for whatever life throws your way.… Continue Reading