Category: Sanctity of Life

Ghoulies: Parade of the Aborticrats

Written by Michelle Malkin

I thought we had seen it all from radical feminists — and what we’ve seen is way, way more than anyone other than a gynecologist needs to see.

Six years ago, Code Pink zealots traipsed across the fruited plain in giant female reproductive organ costumes demanding “respect” for women’s bodies and women’s abortion rights. They called themselves “dancing vaginas.”

Last January, militant femmes converged on the National Mall donning pink pussy hats, twirling nipple umbrellas, chanting, “Build a uterine wall!”… Continue Reading

Why Tomi Lahren Is Catastrophically Wrong About Abortion

Written by Matt Walsh

Over the weekend, Tomi Lahren argued that conservatives should give up on the abortion fight and stop trying to overturn Roe. She said that it would be a “mistake” to “challenge a position” that “most Americans support.” We should focus on taxes, immigration, and foreign policy and “stop messing with social issues.” The government is incompetent, Lahren reasoned, and therefore it should stop trying to “regulate social issues.”

Although she personally wouldn’t get an abortion, she insists, she also believes the government has no right to “dictate” on the subject.… Continue Reading

Anthony Kennedy Has Important Parting Advice for Liberals

Written by David E. Smith

This week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in NIFLA v. Becerra should drive a stake into the heart of an Illinois law that requires pro-life medical professionals to refer patients for medical procedures/services they find morally objectionable such as abortion, sterilization and certain end-of-life care protocols.

This tyrannical legislation (SB 1564) was signed by Republican impostor Bruce Rauner and sponsored by Chicago Democrats. In writing the majority opinion of the Court, Justice Anthony Kennedy offers some constructive criticism to totalitarian policy-makers:

[B]egin by reading the First Amendment as ratified in 1791; to understand the history of authoritarian government as the Founders then knew it; to confirm that history since then shows how relentless authoritarian regimes are in their attempts to stifle free speech; and to carry those lessons onward as we seek to preserve and teach the necessity of freedom of speech for the generations to come.

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The Big Lie: Leftists Care about Children

Written by Tom Trinko

Leftists have a long history of exploiting children to advance the left’s political agenda.  The most recent case is the left’s screeching about the fact that when illegals are arrested for trying to sneak into the country, their children are separated from them.

We know that leftists don’t really care about this because it happened under Barack Obama, and they said nothing.  It even happened under George W. Bush, and they didn’t complain about it then, either, even though they hated Bush.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: John Stonestreet on our Cultural Revolution

Written by John Biver

Monte Larrick interviewed John Stonestreet at Illinois Family Institute’s Fourth Annual Worldview Conference. Stonestreet is the president of the Chuck Colson Center and BreakPoint Radio co-host. They discuss why Christians should be concerned about the Culture when we have seemingly lost; the next major cultural shift after the Sexual Revolution; the continued attacks on religious freedom; and when it is right for Christians to engage in civil disobedience.

Monte and John also discuss the cost of following Jesus, and legalization of recreational marijuana.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Springfield Rundown

Written by John Biver

Laurie Higgins joins Monte Larrick and Dave Smith to discuss the Illinois Senate’s approval of the ERA, and they also discuss the LGBTQIA history curriculum legislation currently in consideration in the Illinois General Assembly.

Can the ERA be stopped in Illinois now that it has passed the state senate? “Yes,” Laurie Higgins said, because the “ERA actually says nothing about women.” The language of the proposed amendment does signal, however, that it will eradicate abortion restrictions and it will end sex differentiation in private spaces.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: The Consequences of Implementing the ERA

Written by John Biver

Monte Larrick recently caught up with Elise Bouc, the State Chairwoman of Stop ERA Illinois. They discuss the push to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the United State’s Constitution, only requiring two more states to approve it before it becomes a federal amendment.


When the ERA was stopped back in the 1970s, people understood that the wording of the Amendment was flawed, Bouc explains, and we need to remove the discussion of “equal opportunities” for women from this poorly worded proposal.… Continue Reading

Pro-Life Groups Withdraw Support from Republican Senators that Supported the ERA

Written by John Biver

The leaders of six pro-life organizations issued a public statement on Friday criticizing the 8 Republican state senators who joined the Democrats this past week to pass the “Equal Rights” Amendment (ERA).

In the letter, the pro-life leaders mention that left-wing U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has admitted that the “intended scope of the ERA is to greatly increase the scrutiny of pro-life legislation.”

A vote for the ERA is a vote for overturning abortion restrictions and enshrining abortion rights in the U.S.… Continue Reading

Candidate Burt Minor’s Answers to Pro-Family Questions Raises Concerns

Written by John Biver

Keeping a candidate’s policy positions straight isn’t easy when the candidate appears to come out on both sides of an issue. Sometimes it is due to a simple mistake, as people can misspeak without even realizing it.

When the issue is taxpayer funding of abortion, however, a person is either for it or against it. The same comes to religious liberty and conscience rights. There is no middle ground, even though some candidates would love for there to be some.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Abortion is Expanding in Illinois

Written by John Biver

Ann Scheidler, the Executive Vice President of the Pro-Life Action League, joins Monte Larrick to discuss the Sanctity of Life in Illinois.


Since HB 40 (taxpayer funding for abortion) has been enacted,  a new Planned Parenthood has popped up in Flossmoor, with an abortion clinic in the works for Rockford, with rumors of three or four additional abortion mills surfacing throughout the state.

With Republican governor Bruce Rauner signing HB 40 and permitting taxpayer funded abortions, it is expected that the number of abortions will greatly expand in Illinois.… Continue Reading