Category: Sanctity of Life

Church Leaders Sell Their Souls to the Democratic Party

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Over the past couple of months, while the world has been distracted by all-things-COVID-19, a very important bit of news slipped under our radar and went virtually unnoticed. The contemporary church sold its soul to the Devil for a pot of political porridge.

Consider the evidence.

Last week “pro-life” evangelicals across the land started stumbling over themselves to endorse a political party and a candidate who is openly against life and against evangelicals.… Continue Reading

Mary Edly Allen Believes That Protecting Babies is Not Her Job

Written by Anna T. of Lake Zurich, Illinois

When I was invited to meet my local state legislator, State Representative Mary Edly-Allen (D-Libertyville), I never  imagined that a woman, a former teacher, and a mother of four could hold such callous views of precious babies almost born. Rep. Edly-Allen laughed when she was confronted with the reality that abortion dismembers even viable babies in Illinois at  taxpayers’ expense. She stated it “wasn’t her job” as an elected leader to protect babies.… Continue Reading

I Have Set Before You Life and Death….

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SPOTLIGHT: 40 Days for Life – Providing Hope, Opportunity, and Light

Written by David E. Smith

The adage is true – actions do speak louder than words. Catherine Walker, co-leader of 40 Days for Life Aurora, explains to Monte Larrick that the simple act of taking part in a peaceful prayer vigil outside of an abortion facility can have a profound impact on the lives of women and their unborn babies. Ms. Walker provides helpful information about participating in a local vigil and she relates how lives have been changed through the prayerful presence of pro-life believers.Continue Reading

Tim Keller Just Gave Christians Permission to Support the Party of Human Slaughter

Written by Laurie Higgins

Just last week one of the founders of The Gospel Coalition, Manhattan megachurch pastor Tim Keller, formerly known as a mega-leader in the evangelical Christian community, published a foolish, destructive Facebook post on “Christians and the freedom of conscience in politics,” in which he said,

The Bible binds my conscience to care for the poor, but it does not tell me the best practical way to do it. Any particular strategy (high taxes and government services vs low taxes and private charity) may be good and wise—and may even be somewhat inferred from other things the Bible teaches– but they are not directly commanded and therefore we cannot insist that all Christians, as a matter of conscience, follow one or the other.

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Kamala Harris: Abortion Cheerleader

Written by Jenna Smith

Two weeks ago, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced his choice for vice president, and Kamala Harris is the winner. If you were lucky enough to miss the Democratic presidential debates prior to 2020, and before they nominated Joe Biden, you might be wondering, who in the wide wicked world of politics is that, and why would I care that she has been nominated for potential VP?

Kamala Harris served as the California attorney general between 2010 and 2016 before running for the U.S.… Continue Reading

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley Launches Deserved Attack Against Roe v. Wade

Written by Laurie Higgins

On Sunday, in an interview with the Washington Post, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) took a dagger to the heart of Roe v. Wade like abortionists take a needle to the hearts of babies floating in their mothers’ wombs. Hawley made this statement about the infamous Supreme Court decision—a statement that has sent shock waves into the fetid, swampy “progressive” pond in which pro-feticide cheerleaders ferociously swim:

I will vote only for those Supreme Court nominees who have explicitly acknowledged that Roe v.

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SPOTLIGHT: Pro-Life Veteran Joe Scheidler and Face the Truth Tours

Written by David E. Smith

Even as front-line medical workers valiantly attempt to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of thousands of unborn babies are callously and violently ended every day in abortion clinics throughout the United States. Longtime pro-life activist Joseph Scheidler isn’t letting the pandemic stop his mission to save unborn lives! Monte Larrick caught up with him at a recent Face the Truth tour near the Planned Parenthood abortorium in Flossmoor, Illinois.… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: Abortion Deaths Continue Despite COVID-19

Written by David E. Smith

During the coronavirus pandemic, when surgical procedures to alleviate suffering and correct serious medical conditions were deemed non-essential and disallowed, the “essential” dismemberment and murder of babies in the womb continued unabated at abortion clinics throughout Illinois, including Planned Parenthood’s newest abortorium in Waukegan.

Monte Larrick and Eric Scheidler recently met to discuss Pro-Life Action League’s response to the opening of the 18th Planned Feticide center in Illinois. Eric details how PP has exploited weaknesses in local government in order to open their facilities with virtually no opportunity for public input or opposition, and he explains how PP decides where to place their “health” centers for maximum traffic and profitability.… Continue Reading

Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the Pro-Abortion #BlackLivesMatter Movement

Written by Ryan Bomberger

Every life unjustly killed deserves justice. In the cause to make things right, I will not join a movement that has nearly everything wrong. More innocent lives have now been killed (#BlueLivesMatter, too) since these predominantly violent protests began over George Floyd’s horrific death. What about the black lives killed in this nationwide chaos? Do they matter?

“Well, you don’t have to agree with everything. Just pick out the good things in the #BlackLivesMatter movement,” I’m told.… Continue Reading